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Tagged With: markerless motion capture

Innovations in Mocap Headline News

Vicon to Launch Markerless Motion Capture Technology at GDC

After years of R&D and an expansive beta program, Vicon's Markerless solution hits the market; it allows users to instantly visualize ideas with the Vanguard markerless motion-tracking camera and new software incorporating advanced computer vision, machine learning, and algorithms.

Real-Time MoCap Headline News

Disguise and Release ‘Invisible’ Real-Time Markerless MoCap Bundle

The solution lets creatives animate real-time characters and gesture-triggered effects without markers, wearable suits, and long calibration setups.

Faceware Technologies Inc. Headline News

Faceware Announces 2019 Pricing for Facial Motion Capture Cameras and Software

Starting at just $99 per year, new subscription pricing offers lower-cost of entry and end-to-end warranties; academic pricing starts at $50 per year.