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Tagged With: Ben Morris

On the Road to Torino Headline News

All Eyes on Torino: VIEW Conference 2022 – Free Livestream Just Announced

Top industry leaders head to Italy’s premiere animation, VFX, games, and computer graphics conference that runs October 16-21, both onsite and online, with a stellar program of talks, presentations, workshops, and masterclasses available; worldwide Livestream is now free!

Destination Torino! Headline News

VIEW Conference 2022 Reveals Initial Speaker Lineup

By Dan Sarto | Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 12:44pm

Peter Ramsey, Roy Conli, Rob Minkoff, Ramsey Naito and Shannon Tindle are a few of the top industry leaders coming to Torino to attend and present in person at Italy’s premiere animation, VFX, games, and computer graphics conference, running October 16-21, onsite and online.

Academy Awards VFXWorld

The 2018 VFX Nominees: Doubling Down on Digital Effects

Group of 20 nominees draws on two decades of experience and technological advances, delivering shots that were previously unimaginable.

Kevin Jenkins VFXWorld

Reinventing a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Kevin Jenkins on Designing ‘The Last Jedi’

From preproduction through postproduction, design supervisor Kevin Jenkins helps safeguard the visual language of the Star Wars universe for the eighth episode in the iconic franchise.

Industrial Light & Magic VFXWorld

Balancing Act: ILM Blends VFX Innovation with Franchise Consistency in ‘The Last Jedi’

Led by production VFX supervisor Ben Morris, visual effects powerhouse Industrial Light & Magic confidently seeks to honor the innovative spirit of the series without losing its heart.