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Tagged With: Asset library

Technology Headline News

Maxon One Subscription Product Updates Announced

Numerous improvements revealed for ZBrush 2024 and Cineware’s import of Cinema 4D files into Unreal Engine; a new batch of Capsules give artists an even wider assortment of resources.

Seamless 3D Asset Integration Headline News

KitBash3D Launches Cargo 3D Asset and Software Integration Software

By Dan Sarto | Monday, May 29, 2023 at 1:08am

Innovative tool allows creators to easily search the company’s extensive model and materials library and seamlessly import assets into 3D content creation tools like Unreal Engine 5, Blender, and Autodesk Maya and 3ds Max.

Move over Jack Skellington! VFXWorld

FuseFX Helps ‘Extend’ the Hijinks in Henry Selick’s ‘Wendell & Wild’

VFX supervisor Paul Santagada’s team used CG to build out and assemble the film’s physical Rust Bank Cemetery and Underworld sets, integrating plate elements, performance passes, secondary bits, and a bunch of fluid, smoke, breaths, and bubbles - delivering 275-300 shots across around 12 sequences on the stop-motion comedy horror film, now streaming on Netflix.

Technology Headline News

Imbalance Releases Ragdoll Dynamics 3.0

Tool that automates character physics in Maya gets update that includes click-and-drag interface, added physically based character posing, replacement rigs for interactive frame rates, and a multi-character asset library.

Business Headline News

TurboSquid Licensing Tiers Can Now Indemnify 3D Stock up to $1 Million

Company now providing new levels of creative indemnification on 450,000 3D models, providing more peace of mind for enterprise, VFX and production studios.