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AWN Headline News

Headline News

Galaxy Digimation creates Spider-Man ride newscast

Glendale, California-based Galaxy Digimation has created a thirty-minuteanimated newscast for Universal Studios' The Amazing Adventures ofSpider-Man ride in Orlando, Florida. The Spider-Man ride integratesroller-coaster thrills, realistic motion simulation, and stereographic 3Dcomputer-generated effects while immersing riders in a story thattransforms them into active photojournalists. Galaxy Digimation's newscastplays on monitors while riders wait in line inside the newsroom of The

Headline News

Phil Roman announces THE GAUDINS

Studio City, California-based Phil Roman Entertainment Company hasannounced that it is co-producing THE GAUDINS: A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL withBarcelona, Spain-based ABCN Concept. S.L. The 22-minute animated specialwill use designs inspired by early twentieth century Spanish architectAntonio Gaudi. According to Phil Roman, the show will create a whimsical,fantasy world for family audiences. The show will be available Christmas2000, but has yet to be picked up. As previously reported, Phil Roman

Series Headline News

MARSUPILAMI goes into production

Montreal, Canada-based Motion International has started production onMARSUPILAMI, a 26 episode, half-hour animated television series based on acomic strip by Belgium artist Andrè Franquin. French producer Marathon isco-producing, and the series will be aired by Tele-Quebec, as well asother, as yet undetermined, international broadcasters. Marsupilami is afunny animal-type character with yellow fur, black spots and many talents.He first appeared in 1952 in SPIROU MAGAZINE, a Belgian comic book. A

Film Headline News

Experienced animators offer seminar for animators

On October 29 and 30 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Wayne Gilbert, Kyle Clark,and Mike Ford, who work as animators for feature film projects atIndustrial Light + Magic, will be giving seminars on classical and computeranimation principles. The three animators have started their owncorporation, Animation Foundation and Anamie, providing consulting,training and seminars for corporate and academic clients. This event iscoordinated by The Florida Center for Electronic Communication, The Fort

Awards Headline News


The third annual British Animation Awards is calling for entries from UKanimators. The awards will be announced on Thursday, March 9, 2000.Deadline for entries is December 1, 1999. For more information Tel. 0171383 4387; or Fax 0171 388 3782.

Festival Headline News

Ottawa Festival launches brand new web site

AWN is proud to host Ottawa's brand new web site. Festival Director, Chris Robinson comments, "We wanted to create a site that would be easier to navigate and one that would serve as an archive of sorts. Most festival websites are disposable. They serve their purpose and vanish into the Internet vacuum.

Animation Headline News

New columns, animation lessons and links in the Student Corner!

This is a big week for the Student Corner. We've got the next installment of our 2D Computer Animation Workshop column, more animation lessons from the Toon Institute, new Clip Picks, plus more than 200 new links to articles from Animation World Magazine!

Headline News

AWN's next Animation School Directory now in production!

Educators and School Administrators - don't miss out! If your school or educational program wasn't included in AWN's Winter 1999 directory, or if you want to update the information that did get published, production on AWN's Winter 2000 directory is now underway...

Awards Headline News

ASIFA-Hollywood has announced The 27th Annual Annie Award nominees

Antran Manoogian, President of the International AnimatedFilm Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, has announced the nominees for the 27th Annual Annie Awards, ASIFA-Hollywoods honoring of the best in animation. THE IRON GIANT leads the list of nominees with fifteen nominations, including best feature. The final winners will be presented with their awards at the Annie Awards Ceremony to be held at the Alex Theatre in Glendale, California on Saturday, November 6, at 7 pm. For more information about the event and tickets call (818) 842-8330.

Headline News


WARNER BROS. TELEVSION ANIMATION has promoted LINDA STEINER from vice president of development to senior vice president of creative affairs and CHRISTOPHER KEENAN from vice president of programming to vice president of creative affairs. Steiner and Keenan will oversee the development of cartoon series, shorts and direct-to-video projects.

Headline News


CHERYL MILLS, Deputy White House Counsel, will join OXYGEN MEDIA, Geraldine Laybourne's media company founded to provide content for women, as senior vice president of corporate policy and public programming. In her new post, Cheryl Mills will address women's access to and participation in civic, political and public policy issues that affect their lives. She will oversee Oxygen's philanthropic activities, its grass roots initiatives and will work with Sarah Bartlett, Oxygen's Editor-in-Chief, to develop its legal and political programming.

Film Headline News

SABA completes first Iranian feature

Iran-based SABA Animation Company has released an 85-minute animated film, THE PASSENGER OF STORY LAND. The film is a re-edited version of a six part, thirty-minute television series, and uses live-action, puppet animation and CGI to tell the story of a puppet who escapes from a film studio. The puppet befriends a boy whose father is a reporter who is covering the film from which the puppet escaped. The boy and puppet try to discover the end of the film, until they finally decide to write the ending themselves. The film was directed by Yosof Babareza.

Series Headline News

Fox sets release date for X-MEN

Twentieth Century Fox has announced that X-MEN, the live-action film adaptation of the Marvel comic books about mutant superheroes which promises to be visual effects heavy, will be released on June 30, 2000. UNCANNY X-MEN #1, by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, appeared in 1963, but the series was not popular until it was revamped by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum in 1975. Since then it has spawned many spinoffs, and is probably the most popular US comic book series of the last twenty years.

Channel Headline News

Channel Four picks up GRABBIT THE RABBIT

Channel Four has bought the broadcast rights to London, UK-based Link Entertainment's GRABBIT THE RABBIT, a clay-animated series of thirteen eight-minute episodes. The episodes are based on fables from around the world including those of Jean de la Fontaine and Joel Chandler Harris. (Disney adapted some of Harris' Brer Rabbit stories in SONG OF THE SOUTH.)

Headline News

UPN orders Roman DOOMSDAY

UPN has ordered thirteen episodes of DOOMSDAY from Film Roman for the 2000-01 season. As previously announced [Flash 8/17/99], DOOMSDAY is an animated sci-fi/comedy series. While the concept was created by writer/producer Tracy Torme, Howard Stern will play an integral role in the development of the script and in the production of the series, as well as provide the voice for the family dog. Several of Stern's celebrity friends will appear as special guest voices.

Headline News

Kid Rhino releases WHAT TO DO, BLUE? and GOODNIGHT BLUE

Kid Rhino has released WHAT TO DO, BLUE?, an audio tape and booklet set. On the tape, the cast of Nickelodeon's BLUE'S CLUES, Steve, Blue and friends, are joined by BLUE'S CLUES co-creator Angela Santomero who reads, WHAT TO DO, BLUE? In the story Blue searches for something to do, while visiting her friends. The booklet allows listeners to read along with Santomero. WHAT TO DO, BLUE? retails in the US for $7.98. Kid Rhino and Nickelodeon will also release BLUE'S CLUES: GOODNIGHT BLUE on November 2, 1999.

Headline News

Dont' miss the CAMSS panel on TV and Film Producing for the Young Audience

Join The Creative Alliance Monthly Salon Series as they present TV and Film Producing for the Young Audience, a look at how decisions are made to produce today's entertainment for the young audience. The panel includes: Allison Abbate, Producer of THE IRON GIANT; Marne Jones, Children's Programming for CBS and others. The panel will be moderated by Stephen Galloway Executive Editor of THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER. The event takes place Tuesday, September 28, 7:30 pm in Los Angeles, California, USA at The Gower Theater, Paramount Studios. There is an admission fee. RSVP at (310) 789-5686.

Tools Headline News

SoftQuad announces HOTMETAL PRO 6.0

Toronto, Canada-based SoftQuad Software Inc., a provider of HTML and XML content authoring tools, has announced HoTMetaL PRO 6.0. HoTMetaL PRO 6.0's new features are designed to increase productivity and provide users with more control over the Web development and management process. They include new FTP and remote file editing capabilities, improved handling of imported HTML source code, an improved drag and drop asset management system, and new customization options.

Imax Headline News

Alexander Petrov's THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA plays at IMAX

Alexander Petrov, a Russian master animator whose best known films are THE MERMAID

and THE TRAGEDY OF A RIDICULOUS MAN, has completed a new film, THE OLD MAN

AND THE SEA, based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway about an old man's

struggle to catch a fish. Two years in the making, the film is now playing

at IMAX Theaters throughout the world and features Petrov's renowned

paint-on-glass technique for which he is world famous. For more information

Headline News

Europacinema & TV Film Festival calls for entries

The 16th EuropaCinema & TV Film Festival takes place November 27-December 3, 1999 inRome, Italy. The deadline for entries for the animated shorts competitionis October 10, 1999. For more information contact EuropaCinema & TV, Via XXSettembre, 3 - 00187 Roma, Italy; or Tel. +39 06 42011184 or +39 0642000211; Fax +39 06 42010599; or E-mail: Alsovisit //
