* Monday, June 5 - Sunday, June 11, 2000. Toronto, Canada. The 6th Annual Toronto Short Film Festival will have the following categories/programs: Computer Animation, International, Visions Canada, Children's Cinema and Midnight's Mania. Films must have been completed after June 1998, and not exceed 40 minutes. Films were selected based on quality and originality. In conjunction with the festival, a marketplace will be set up for TV buyers, distributors, producers, exhibitors, development and acquisition executives and networks to view all films submitted on video. Over 1,600 videos will be included in the market catalogue. For more information contact The Toronto Short Film Festival at: 60 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 106, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4K LX9; Tel.: (416) 535-8506; Fax: (416) 535-8342; or E-mail: twsff@idirect.com.