Toon In is AWN's guide to what's new on the Net. This week's installment features toon cops gone wrong on WHERE ARE THE TOONS NOW?, a Webtoon by Corky Quakenbush, GODZILLARY and much, much more.
Get your Toon In: Web Animation Guide here!
Every week AWN's associate editor Rick DeMott highlights what he thinks is the top new toon in cyberspace in "Rick's Picks!"
Rick's Pick For Friday, September 15, 2000!
TheTheshold.coms WHERE ARE THE TOONS NOW? is a very funny parody mixing classic toons and television celebrity documentaries. The series uncovers the "true" whereabouts of some of toondoms greatest stars. This weeks installment might be the best so far. The Webisode chronicles how power went to the heads of cartoons top cops Yosemite Sam, Deputy Dog, Quick Draw McGraw and Ranger Smith. The show is brutal and not for all tastes, but its the kind of behind the scenes look that ROGER RABBIT touched on but its taken one step further here. The main reason the show works is one never knows what will be ripped on next from random cartoon characters to topical news its a retro-look at our childhood heroes that generates hilarious results.