Toon Radio Goes Open Source

Toon Radio has plans to turn over a portion of its broadcast schedule over to its listeners.

Toon Radio is setting aside Friday evenings for its listeners to use as they please. This new block will be called Open Source, in reference to the software community of the same name. Open Source will allow listeners and bloggers alike to have their own audio clips and podcast recordings play on Toon Radio's audio stream.

Open Source will be open to anyone who wants to submit something. Though Toon Radio says that they will take any submission, they retain the right to reject something that violates broadcast law or is otherwise objectionable. People can take part in Open Source by submitting their clips to Toon Radio by either email, FTP, instant messenger, or through the Toon Radio chat room.

Toon Radio has two tiers for this service. The basic service is free and is designed for most uses. The premium tier is not free, but allows for submission longer than an hour in length. For both, Toon Radio plans to play submissions on a first in, first out basis, except when submissions cannot fit inside Open Source's time slot.

Toon Radio ( is an Internet radio station that specializes in animation soundtracks from around the world. Toon Radio broadcasts from its website at, and is a member of the Audiorealm Radio Network (
