AWN’s anime columnist Andrew Osmond enthusiastically recommends an older anime title, set in a world with smart glasses, originally broadcast in 2007, currently streaming on Netflix.
Sony Online Entertainment Inc. is developing EVERQUEST II, an upgrade to the existing popular online multi-player game. Using a new in-house 3D engine that takes advantage of a wide variety of recent technological advances in 3D hardware and software such as per pixel lighting, dynamic environment mapping, and a fully programmable surface shader system, the game graphics will be upgraded and new features will be added including the ability to own real estate, ride horses, command ships and experience increased character customization. EVERQUEST II will be set in the future of the original EVERQUEST, with players returning to the world of Norrath. According to Sony Online Entertainment EVERQUEST II will be larger in scope than its predecessor, and will be able to host hundreds of thousands of simultaneous users from all over the world. EVERQUEST II is due to ship in winter 2003.