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SAFO '99 Schedule and Workshop Program Now On-Line!

The 2nd annual Ottawa Student Animation Festival, scheduled for October21-24, 1999, has announced its schedule of events and workshop program...

The 2nd annual Ottawa Student Animation Festival, scheduled for October21-24, 1999, has announced its schedule of events and workshop program.Professional and Artistic Development Workshops and Panels are: How To SetUp Your Own Studio; New Tools Of The Trade; Preparing A Portfolio;Budgeting For The Future; Animation And The Law; Storytelling In Animation;Getting Your Film Shown: Alternative Forms Of Distribution; Preservation OfAnimation; Norman McLaren's 'La Gravure Sur Pellicule Comme Pensée'; WhatIs The Role Of Animation Schools?; Q&A: Your Worst Fears About AnimationMay Be True; Storytelling In Animation (Adaptation); and AnimationWorkshop. Order your AnimaPass-Plus on-line now. You have a few more daysto benefit from the reduced price of $110.00 ($130.00 after September 21,1999). For order forms and festival information, visit their website at:
