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QuietMan Gets in the Holiday Spirit for DSW

It's caroling season, and who knows what to expect when opening their door to the rambling uninvited masses? QuietMan gives us one outlandish possibility in a hilarious new spot for DSW via BB Creative.

DSW Caroling Spot

Press Release from QuietMan

It's caroling season, and who knows what to expect when opening their door to the rambling uninvited masses? QuietMan gives us one outlandish possibility in a hilarious new spot for DSW via BB Creative.

Following the common theme of many DSW campaigns, Caroling seeks to create footwear that assumes its own personality. The :30, part of a five-spot campaign, is set in a snow-covered suburban CG landscape, in which one anthropomorphic boot hops up to the front door of another and serenades her with a spoof of Jingle Bells, criticizing her for her tacky Christmas gift. "Jingle bells, your gift smells; you really laid an egg," the singing boot intones to the shock of her supposed friend.

Producer Liz Stovall - who has worked with QuietMan on dozens of projects over the years - brought the DSW campaign to them. "Having worked with QuietMan for so long, Liz knows exactly what we bring to every job," noted QuietMan Founder/CD Johnnie Semerad. "She counts on us to achieve the best integration of live action and effects, and we're really happy that she comes to us over and over."

QuietMan dispatched Semerad and Lead Designer Marsha Movshovich to the shoot for set supervision and to create roughcuts they could review onsite. The VFX crews built the roughcuts based upon the daily footage, then executed a thorough compositing to arrive at the desired look and feel. They used a mix of Flame/Inferno, After Effects, and Final Cut Pro to create this alternate world.

Credits:Client: DSWSpots Title: Caroling (featured), Hiking, Skydiving, Therapist, Kung ShoeAir Date: November 2010

Agency: BB CreativeCD/AD: Beth KosukCopywriter/CD: John BrockenbroughProducer: Liz Stovall

Prod Company: SkunkDirector: Karni + SaulEP(s): Matt Factor, Shelly Townsend

Editorial: QuietMan

Telecine: Company 3Colorist: Tom Poole

Post/Effects: QuietManCreative Director: Johnnie SemeradProducer: David MichaelsLead VFX/Inferno Artist: Amanda AmalfiAdditional Flame/Inferno Artist: Matt StroubDesigner/Animator: Marsha Movshovich

Sound Design: BangSound Designer: Ryan Billia

Shoot Location: London, England

About QuietMan:The brainchild of CD and Founder Johnnie Semerad and long-time collaborator EP Carey Gattyan, QuietMan is a high-end creative collective set in an innovative workshop atmosphere that fuels projects from concept to completion. A recently overhauled production department includes fully developed print, web and TV arms capable of producing multifaceted advertising campaigns with a specialty in high-quality, groundbreaking VFX.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
