Bothel, Washington-based Humongous Entertainment, creators of children'ssoftware, and Nickelodeon are releasing BLUE'S TREASURE HUNT, a Blue'sClues CD-ROM learning adventure for preschoolers. Based on Nickelodeon'sprimetime special that aired in March 1999, BLUE'S TREASURE HUNT followsBLUE'S ABC TIME ACTIVITIES, BLUE'S BIRTHDAY and BLUE'S 123 TIME ACTIVITIES.In BLUE'S TREASURE HUNT, kids aged three to six team up with Steve and hisBlue's Clues pals to help search for the treasure chest that holds the keysto the Land of Great Discovery, a captivating place filled with treasuresand surprises. During this original adventure, preschoolers help Steve,Blue and friends find and solve new Blue's Clues; collect a series oftreasure scrolls hidden by a lively new character, Treasure Bug; playlearning games; meet delightful friends and explore enchanting locations.BLUE'S TREASURE HUNT is available now on hybrid CD-ROM for Windows 1998/95and MacIntosh for US$29.99.
Judith Cockman reviewed BLUE'S ABC TIME ACTIVITIES, BLUE'S BIRTHDAY andBLUE'S 123 TIME ACTIVITIES in the August 1999 issue of Animation WorldMagazine.