ThinkBox, a leading Internet provider of education and family-focused media, and The Harvey Entertainment Company have teamed to bring Harvey's classic characters, like Casper, to the Net. ThinkBox will incorporate Harvey characters into classic comic, interactive, video and series content on the first Web site, Kindle Park, which will be an interactive, educational Internet portal for 2-6 year olds and their families. As part of the deal, Harvey will receive an equity position in ThinkBox. "Casper and company have been enormously popular with children ever since I was a kid," said ThinkBox president and founder, Brian Napack. "Bringing such well-loved characters to Kindle Park is like sharing a piece of my childhood with a new generation of eager young learners." Rick Mischel, president and COO for Harvey Entertainment, said, "ThinkBox is on the cutting edge of learning and entertainment with an experienced team of educators and Hollywood professionals. This partnership will broaden the appeal and reach of our characters through a revolutionary interactive medium that makes learning more fun than ever."