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Showtime Nets Yet-To-Be-Aired Icebox Webtoon has signed a deal to transform its STARSHIP REGULARS into a live-action series. The show chronicles the lives of ordinary men and women aboard a military spaceship. The animated short will nod at Icebox and Showtime on August 11, 2000. REGULARS was created by Icebox co-founder Rob LaZebnik (co-exec producer of THE SIMPSONS), who will produce the live-action show. After the first five Webtoons air on Icebox, the next installment will be broadcast on Showtimes site, The first episode of the TV series will debut next June. Icebox will receive rights payments, producing fees and backend revenues. Showtime isnt new to finding toons on the Net. In 1999, they aired the first weekly updated Net series, WHIRLGIRL, on their Web site and the premiere was simulcast on Showtime and on-line.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
