Entertaindom, the Time Warner on-line broadcasting channel, has exercised
its option with Brilliant Digital Entertainment, Inc. to add 15 additional
new 5-8 minute "Webisodes" for the 3D animated MULTIPATH ADVENTURES OF
SUPERMAN. This extends the first season of SUPERMAN to a full 30 Webisode
commitment. Entertaindom has also agreed to give distribution to Brilliant
Digital's new 3D animated series based on the character XENA: WARRIOR
PRINCESS, plus eight Webisodes of a new series entitled KISS IMMORTALS
(using original KISS music and voices), to be produced in conjunction with
the legendary band's 2000 KISS-Immortals concert tour. To accommodate the
additional shows, Entertaindom will be launching a new Multipath Channel
within its online entertainment complex.
Check out Lee Dannacher's Animation World Magazine article entitled
"Quenching The New Millennium's Thirst for Animation Fare" to find out more about the growing world of Internet entertainment.