Ava DuVernay, Rob Bredow Join Motion Picture Academy Board of Governors

‘Selma’ director and Head of ILM, along with newcomers Debra Zane, Stephen Rivkin, Linda Flowers, and Lynette Howell Taylor, are part of newly elected 2020-2021 board.  

Selma director Ava DuVernay and ILM Head Rob Bredow lead a group of six first-time members as the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced their newly elected 2020-2021 Board of Governors.

The six new governors are as follows:

Debra Zane, Casting Directors Branch
Ava DuVernay, Directors Branch
Stephen Rivkin, Film Editors Branch
Linda Flowers, Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Branch
Lynette Howell Taylor, Producers Branch 
Rob Bredow, Visual Effects Branch

Governors reelected to the Board are as follows:

Whoopi Goldberg, Actors Branch
Mandy Walker, Cinematographers Branch
Isis Mussenden, Costume Designers Branch
Kate Amend, Documentary Branch
David Linde, Executives Branch
Christina Kounelias, Marketing and Public Relations Branch
Charles Bernstein, Music Branch
Wynn P. Thomas, Production Design Branch
Teri E. Dorman, Sound Branch
Larry Karaszewski, Writers Branch

Reelected to the board after a hiatus:
Jon Bloom, Short Films and Feature Animation Branch

According to AMPAS, the latest election represents an increase of female Academy governors from 25 to 26, while the number of people of color increases from 11 to 12, including the three Governors-at-Large. Each governor serves a three-year term.

The Academy’s 17 branches are each represented by three governors, who may serve up to three consecutive three-year terms.  The Board of Governors sets the Academy’s strategic vision, preserves the organization’s financial health, and assures the fulfillment of its mission. 

For a full list of the current 2019-2020 Academy governors, click here.

Source: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

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Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.