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Category: Jobs & Recruiting


No, I Don’t Work For Free!

By Lisa Kaye | Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 1:50pm

Whether you are out of work, in between assignments or just taking a break from it all, you have the right to set the bar in terms of how you value your time and more importantly, your worth.Just because your friend calls and asks for some “free advice” doesn’t mean you should always put yourself in a position to discount your services. It’s good to help out a friend or former colleague or make referrals because you want to in turn help someone else land a job, but this does not mean you should give your services away for free.


Do You Need A Visit From “The Adjustment Bureau?”

By Lisa Kaye | Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 10:29pm

Not sure if your career path was the one fate chose for you or you chose for yourself? If only there was a little book that lit up every time you made a wrong turn or career choice. Wouldn’t it be comforting to have a bunch of men in gray suits and fedoras running around trying to help you get back on track even though your heart or mind or whomever was pushing you in another direction. If you feel your career needs a visit from “The Adjustment Bureau” you are probably not alone.


Surviving Career Politics

By Lisa Kaye | Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 11:40am

You may be a high-ranking executive, or someone who is still working his or her way up the corporate ladder, or perhaps you are just trying to break into the business. Wherever your position on the career chain, you may now or in the future be in a position where you have to navigate the politics of your work environment. Knowing how to maneuver in a complicated system holds the same challenges whether you are a veteran or a newbie in the business.


Between A Rock & A Hard Place

By Lisa Kaye | Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 8:56am

Deciding whether to quit the job you have in search of a new one can be a daunting task when faced with the unknown. Do you leave the devil you know for what may appear to be greener pastures? Do you take the proverbial leap of faith in search of your dream job? What may appear to be an easy answer may actually put you between a rock and a hard place when it comes to making a choice and finally a move.


Your Job-And The Winner Is

By Lisa Kaye | Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 1:51pm

If you feel like a hopeful nominee, a reluctant runner up or a cocky winner, stand in line because your job search is a far cry from the glitz and glamour of The Oscars. You may feel like you have to dress the part or at least give good face to the crowds who are cheering you on. But, inside your stomach churns in tangled nervous knots and you wonder how you got here and whether being in the job spotlight is such a good thing.


Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 22

Special Guests: Michael Markman / Sheila Sofian & David Fain

The sounds of chewing, the sounds of music, the sounds of talking. Episode 22 of the Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum. Featuring: Joel, Alan, Sam Olschan, Computer, Guests, Alan's Cat, Beef Jerky, Sinatra, Elvis, Plucky Duck, Animated Documentaries, and Ricky Gervais. Enjoy.


How’s That College Degree Working For You?

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, March 21, 2011 at 10:59am

It’s never too late to begin your job search BEFORE you graduate! You may be thinking I have MONTHS to decide where I’m going to work. Guess again. If you are only thinking about this now, you are actually very LATE FOR YOUR IMPORTANT JOB DATE! It’s not that we don’t love you but, you really do need to get in gear if you are thinking you are going to want to do more than hit the movies, video game stores or soak it up on the beach come May or June.


How Do I Define Thee

By Lisa Kaye | Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 3:29pm

Let me count the ways. Am I my resume? Am I a brand? Am I desperately seeking someone to show me the way? If you are as confused by how you should define who and what you represent to the job world, get in line. Most people today don’t know whether they are defined by the accomplishments listed on their 3-page resume or the idea that they should somehow convince themselves they are a brand like any common household product! Knowing who you are is important of course, but knowing what you stand for when faced with your inevitable job search is essential.

Headline News

Nick Animation Studios Named to Top U.S. Internships, the source for employer rankings, ratings and reconnaissance, is once again helping undergraduate and graduate students get a jumpstart on their careers with its latest release of the Top 10 U.S. Internships as well as the Top 10 internship programs across a number of industries and categories, such as best perks and most unusual experiences.


Are You Living Your Best Career?

By Lisa Kaye | Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 9:24am

Sometimes you find yourself in situations where the choices are limited and you have to do what you have to do to survive. But finding something you love in what you do, even if it’s not your primary choice, helps to guide you towards living a meaningful and fulfilling career no matter what your job title is. How you find your drive, passion, potential no matter what your job is today is key to living and finding your best career


Life As A Diva!

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, February 21, 2011 at 10:58am

As you know if you have been reading my blogs, I don’t typically write about myself. It’s that time of year for reflection I guess and I thought to share of my own personal background and experience. As we ponder our career choices in life, we usually are faced with making decisions about our life’s path as we graduate college and enter the work force or sometimes opportunities present themselves even earlier in life.


Do You Have Skin In The Game?

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, February 14, 2011 at 12:20pm

If you’ve ever heard the expression, “skin in the game,” don’t worry, it’s not a reference to a condition you get if you turn into a zombie in the AMC series “The Walking Dead.” It is a condition you get however, if you ask yourself what is your long term commitment when it comes to your career and if you have what it takes to stay the course. When you have skin in the game when it comes to your career, it means are you committed to the long-term plan and asking yourself, Do you really know what you want and how to keep it?


Your Job Search in 127 Hours

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, February 7, 2011 at 11:34am

...or so it seems. Timing, timing and more timing. Like the old biological clock that ticks for some and tocks for others, your job search like the waxing and the waning of the moon, is subject to timing, divine or otherwise. Knowing that patience is the name of the game when it comes to waiting for the right opportunity to come along does not always make the wait any easier or any faster. For some of us, waiting for the right job is as they say like watching paint dry, for the rest, it can be as quick as someone running the course through a speed dating session. Your job search does not have to be an ordeal, 127 hours of waiting for help that never comes….

Animation Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 21

Special Guest: Ottawa International Animation Festival - Part 2

The Big Bang, Opposable Thumbs, Fire, the Wheel, Chop-Sticks, Animal Husbandry, The Mona Lisa, Gigli, Head-On, the Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum. Now, the most exciting conclusion to the most anticipated part 2 part of the most recorded audio podcast by the Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum at the Ottawa International Animation Festival in 2010...


When You Play Your A-Game

By Lisa Kaye | Monday, January 31, 2011 at 12:13pm

Giving it your all, calling in the shots, focusing, following, listening and playing your A-Game. When you’ve given it your best shot in your job efforts and have shown up to deliver your best, it’s now time for the hard part, to sit back, trust and yes, wait. Finding the resolve to release control over the job process when you know in your heart of hearts that you’ve showed up and delivered your best is not always easy.


Stop Selling Yourself Short

By Lisa Kaye | Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 9:19am

Everyone knows we are in a down economy. Just because you empathize with the state of the economy, does not mean you should forfeit your worth or value when it comes to what someone is willing to pay you. So many of you think that you may have made a certain salary, earned a certain income level in the past and you can’t or don’t deserve to ask for the same amount of money now. What’s changed? Have you gotten less experience over the years? Have you depreciated in value? Just because you may not have worked in awhile or are trying it on your own for a change, doesn’t mean you are worth any less?


Course Correct Your Career

By Lisa Kaye | Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 9:43am

When you feel like your job track has been all over the place and you’ve been running the relay like the Long Beach Grand Prix, it’s time to figure out how many laps you’ll need to get to the finish line. When you are not sure where you are headed other than the circles you keep running, it’s time to course correct your career and get yourself moving in the right direction.


Your Job-Rock, Paper, Scissors

By Lisa Kaye | Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 11:00am

The job search can and does feel like a crap shoot these days. When you may feel no matter you do, how many networking events you attend, how many job postings you apply to, you are in a mean game of rock, paper, scissors and you are always a mis-match! Even when you feel like your job search is more like a guessing game-guess again. You can win at this if you just sit back, and prepare yourself for an inevitable crap shoot with the occasional win.
