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Woman punishes husband for voting Trump Animation 2d

Californian woman severely injured her husband by hitting him at great speed with her SUV, after he confessed that he had voted for Donald Trump in the last presidential election.
Election is crazy. Remember to don`t get to much in because you can get crazy. 
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Timenot's picture
Submitted by Timenot on

Let's refresh our memory and remember how Trump inauguration was held, because this is a very interesting topic for discussion, which everyone has already forgotten. And since this topic has already come up, I want to tell you about the article, which I really liked to read, as it is beautifully written. Everyone remembers the story as the singer was asked to perform at the scandalous inauguration, but she tweeted that she would only sing if she could sing Billie Holiday's classic "Strange Fruit".

ZorroAstra's picture
Submitted by ZorroAstra on

And I don't understand why nobody loves me. I am not ugly, not poor, not cheating, not jobless, not anything of this kind! But still, I can't find happiness in love.

Juliamaribell's picture

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