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Animation job - 2 minute "silent" 2d animation

Hi, I am looking for someone, who can draw and animate my book trailer.

It should end up being two minutes long (or shorter, but I don't see how I can cut it any further).
There won't be any talking in the animation (excapt a couple of screams and gasps)
I am not sure if it nessesarily needs to be in color, or if it should just be black and white and very sketchy - I would like your input on this.

I want it in 2D - I love the old school hand drawn animation, but I know that is very time consuming and expensive, so if you can create something simular with flash or other software, I am of course willing to considder it. I would like it in a style simular to anime/manga - I love anime, but I also like some of the animated shorts with a weird character design, so I am open for suggestions.

I have drawn a detailed story board, I can send you. (Can't attach it here, since it includes pictures).
I can also send you some links, for animation I like on youtube, but I am not sure if I can link to it in this post, without ending up in SPAM.

If you are interested in the job, please contact me.
I would like to see some of your earlier work, and see if I like your drawing style.

I would also like to hear how much you want for such a two minute book trailer. Including music, seing as there won't be much voice acting, as it should be a silent film.
(Normal fees between 15-25 dollars pr. second of animation?)

You can contact me via e-mail:

Hope to hear from you - Christina.

Ivy Leffler's picture
Submitted by Ivy Leffler on

Animation job is a very interesting job. It is not easy to get a job in animation field but if you know how to do animation then it will be easy for you. You should try this site for better reviews. Animation is the process of making moving images with the use of computer graphics, or other types of visual effects. It involves drawing frames on paper or computer screens, and then photographing or filming beforehand.