Events: Other
South African HORRORFEST Film Festival
Southern California Game Developers Job Fair 2010
Hello Game Developers,
Obsidian Entertainment, Foundation 9/Double Helix invite you to join us for a Game Developers only job fair on August 11th at 3pm
Our intention is to make some of our colleagues that were affected by recent layoffs find good homes quickly and make this unfortunate event as painless as possible.
If you are a Game Developer looking for a job this is a perfect opportunity to talk with the top leaders in the game industry. Below is a comprehensive list of attending studios:
Foundation 9 Entertainment / Double Helix
Obsidian Entertainment
IGN / Gamespy Technology
High Moon Studios
Infinity Ward
Art Creations Magazine's Art Contest
August 17, 2010- December 17, 2010Art Creations Magazine “Who’s Creative?”2 Art Contest!
Description:Art Creations Magazine’s “Who’s Creative?2 “ art contest is sponsored and brought to you by Laniercreations This contest is all about creativity, composition, technique and execution. The theme of this contest is to just show your unique creative expression through your art. Anything goes. Express your creativity to the fullest!
"Interview with an Animator:" J.J. Sedelmaier
J.J. Sedelmaier to Appear At MoCCA on July 29th with Joe Strike
For the Second “Interview with an Animator”
Whitley Bay Film Festival
The Whitley Bay Film Festival 2010 will celebrate great cinema, in great locations in Whitley Bay
A unique beach side screening of Steven Spielberg’s classic, 1975 thriller “Jaws” as well as an exhibition of memorabilia from the movie, are just two of the highlights of the 2010, Whitley Bay Film Festival, running from 21-27 August.
Summer 2010 Complimentary 5-Week Portfolio & Website Presentation Class for Teens
Summer 2010 Complimentary 5-Week Portfolio & Website Presentation Class for Teens
Class Starts July 17th!
The Mile High Horror Film Festival
Mile High Horror Film Festival Call For Entries
The 2010 inaugural year Mile High Horror Festival announces it's call for entries! To celebrate our founding year we are planning a two day film festival event filled with activities, events, and most importantly independent horror films! Submission categories include Feature Length, Shorts, Local Colorado Films, student films and ANIMATION! Any type of horror film and sub genres are welcome.
Languages & The Media
Languages & The Media is a biennial international conference dedicated to the subject of language transfer in a changing media landscape (Video, DVD, digital TV, cinema and social networks). The conference themes include innovations and latest developments in dubbing, subtitling, voice-over and translation for the media. Participants of this year’s conference will discuss pivotal topics such as the impact of Facebook, MySpace, and other social networks on audiovisual media.
Australian International Animation Festival 2010
Now in our 7th year, CSU Animation and Visual Effects are proud to present the Australian International Animation Festival 2010. The internationally renowned event has gone from strength to strength since its modest start in 2004 and this year has secured amazing exclusives from more than 2,200 submissions from over 40 countries.
Nature's Toolbox - Call for Entries
NATURE’S TOOLBOX : call for entries
3rd Annual Oklahoma Electronic Game Expo and Multimedia Conference
The Oklahoma Electronic Game Expo and Multimedia Conference (OEGE) is a one day conference that seeks to bring together students, educators, professionals and enthusiasts in all areas of Computer-Aided Technology and highlight Oklahoma as a creative outlet for these industries.
Computer-Aided Technology encompasses all creative industries that use computers for the development of their designs, such as video game, multimedia, graphic design, web design, CAD, GIS, video editing, animation, and digital art.
Brownstones to Red Dirt Postcard Art Benefit
Copper Pot Pictures has paired with the Picture Book Project and Schools for Salone to hold an online art auction to benefit the schools featured in its documentary, BROWNSTONES TO RED DIRT. The auction includes over 150 pieces created by some of the top names in animation as well as children’s book, graphic novel and comic illustration, including Oscar-winning director Chris Wedge, Toy Story 3 Art Director Daisuke Tsutsumi, renowned illustrator Peter DeSeve and legendary Sesame Street puppeteer Caroll Spinney.
Kansas City FilmFest 2010
All filmmakers, anywhere, are invited to submit your short or feature film -- drama, comedy, documentary, animation or experimental work. It must have been completed since January 1, 2008. EARLY DEADLINE DATE: August 15, 2009 (Other deadlines: 10/1/2009, 11/15/2009. and 12/01/2009) ENTRY FEES: Vary by short or feature and increase with each new deadline date
CG Con North-American Roadshow in Silicon Valley
CG Con North-American Roadshow in Silicon Valley
4 lectures (two Digital Painting/Concept Art, and two Animation lectures) of 90 minutes each by industry professionals
Cosplay Corner
On Saturday February 20, 2010 at 2:30pm DC Anime Club will be hosting an costume creation workshop called “Cosplay Corner” at the Martin Luthur King, Jr Memorial Library 901 G St NW Washington, DC 20001 in Room A5 on the A Level. "Cosplay" is short for "Costume Play", in which fans of Japanese Animation (Anime) and Japanese Comics (Manga) dress up as their favorite Anime, Manga and Video Game Characters by costumes they make themselves. The word “Cosplay” was coined by Nov Takahashi of the Japanese Studio, "Studio Hard".
YU-GI-OH Tournament: It's DDDDDDUEL!!!!
DC Anime Club invites all Duelist to our Yu-Gi-Oh tournament on Saturday February 20, 2010 Martin Luthur King, Jr Memorial Library 901 G St NW Washington, DC 20001 at 2:30pm in room A5 on the A Level of the Library. Sign up for the tournament starts at 2:00pm.
Age range for this tournament is 13 and Up. This event is free and open to the public. DC Anime Club’s Yu gi oh tournament is sponsored by Anime Wallscrolls dot com.
He-Man Art Show with Gallery 1988 and Mattel
Gallery 1988 and Mattel present: “Under The Influence: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”100 artists reinterpret the influential 80's toy and cartoon property.Opening reception date is Friday, January 8th, 7-10 pm. The show will run through January 29.
Gallery 19887020 Melrose AvenueLos Angeles, CA 90038Contact : (323) 937-7088
Savannah International Animation Festival 2010
Hal Miles Imagimation Studios, LLC will sponsor the first ever Savannah International Animation Festival on February 5th and 6th, 2010. It will be held at the Coastal Georgia Center, 305 Fahm Street, Savannah, GA 31401. We had 143 entries from 18 countries in the following categories: Stop Motion Animation, Computer Animation, Traditional Animation, Experimental Animation, Web Animation, Gaming Animation, Visual Effects, and Student Animated Film.
International CES - Consumer Electronics Show
A record number of new exhibitors – more than 330 companies – will join more than 2,500 exhibitors in unveiling their latest technology innovations at the 2010 International CES®. With more than 20,000 new products on display, the International CES is the world’s largest consumer technology tradeshow. CE Spotlights throughout the CES show floor will feature key market categories including apps, green technology, gaming, location based services and more.
Anime Swap Meet
CONTACT: Chris Wanamaker, (202) 262 2083
DC Anime Club’s Anime Swap Meet
DC Anime Club invites one and all to our Anime Swap Meet on
Saturday January 2, 2010 2pm-5pm at the Martin Luther King, Jr
Memorial Library 901 G St NW Washington, DC 20001 in Room A5 on
the A Level of the Library.
A swap meet is were people 'meet' to 'swap' their unwanted items for something else they
May want - without paying for anything. The focus will be on anime, manga, comic, and
video game related items.
US-Korea Digital Entertainment Investment Forum
“US-Korea Digital Entertainment Investment Forum”
On behalf of Minister Knowledge of Economy and KOTRA (Korea Trade–Investment Promotion Agency), it is our privilege to invite you to “US-Korea Digital Entertainment Investment Forum,” as part of KMCM USA 2009 at the Los Angeles Marriott Downtown Hotel on December 4th.
The attendance is free of charge, but space is limited (50 spacing available for luncheon and networking with senior Korean government officials).
Entrepreneurs World Cup
World-Class Leadership, Sales, Internet Marketing and Wealth Creation Event featuring an All-Star Cast of Speakers. This will take place simultaneously in London, UK and Antwerp, Belgium.
Sales (11/26/09)Leadership (11/27/09)Internet Marketing (11/28/09)Wealth Creation (11/29/09)
Leadership (11/26/09)Sales (11/27/09)Wealth Creation (11/28/09)Internet Marketing (11/29/09)
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