Brand ManageCamp 2004

Brand ManageCamp 2004 is the premier conference for brand management professionals. Speakers include: Doug Hall, bestselling author of MEANINGFUL MARKETING AND JUMPSTART YOUR BUSINESS BRAIN; Seth Godin, bestselling author of PURPLE COW and PERMISSION MARKETING as well as his new book for 2004 entitled FREE PRIZE INSIDE; Kevin Carroll, "Katalyst" for Nike who will share his new topic entitled MAXIMIZING CREATIVE GENIUS; Mary Lou Quinlan:, bestselling author of JUST ASK A WOMAN: CRACKING THE CODE OF WHAT WOMEN WANT AND HOW THEY BUY; Tony Schwartz, bestselling author of THE POWER OF FULL ENGAGEMENT; Joyce Wycoff, co-founder of The Innovation Network and bestselling author of MINDMAPPING; Phil Lempert: The "Supermarket Guru" and NBC TODAY Show food trends editor will debut his top trends to watch for 2005; Julie Anixter; contributing author to BEYOND BRANDING and strategic director of Lipson, Alport, Glass & Associates; Marty Neumeier; pioneer in the field of Collaborative Brand Integration and author of THE BRAND GAP; Lindsay Zaltman; gm of Olson Zaltman Associates and expert on Metaphor Elicitation Consumer Research techniques; and Roger Blackwell; founding father of Consumer Behavior will help you put theory into practice with his topic entitled "Why Consumers Buy and How to Get Them to Buy More From You.

Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 12:00pm to Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 8:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Tuesday, November 9, 2004 - 12:00pm