Located in Los Angeles, California, Anime Expo, the nation's largest anime/manga convention, serves to foster trade, commerce and the interests of the general public and animation/ comics industry. This event serves as a key meeting place for the general public to express their interest and explore various aspects of anime/manga, as well as for members of the industry to conduct business. AX 2008 will be held July 3-6, 2008 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Southern California. More information can be found at its website (www.anime-expo.org).
Japanese pop sensation Mimi scheduled to perform before the West Coast premiere of CATBLUE DYNAMITE (from the director of the highly anticipated APPLESEED GENESIS) on Friday, July 4 at 11 a.m., 1 and 4 p.m. on the second floor of South Hall, room 301 B.
The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to popularize and educate the American public about anime and manga, as well as provide a forum to facilitate communication between professionals and fans. This organization is more popularly known by its entertainment property: Anime Expo. More information can be found at its website (www.spja.org).