Early Deadline: Posted by November 30th, 20048th BROOKLYN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVALhttp://brooklynfilmfestival.org
CALL FOR ENTRIEShttp://www.wbff.org/submit/June 3-12, 2005 at Brooklyn Museum
Competitive International film festival for independent Filmmakers
Categories: Narrative FeatureNarrative ShortExperimentalDocumentaryAnimation
Early Deadline $30: Posted by November 30th, 2004Final Deadline $50: Posted by March 15th, 2005
Awards: The overall winner will be awarded the "Grand Chameleon Award" (US$30,000)Best Documentary: $5,000 cash (sponsored by Lowel Light)Winners in each category will be awarded the "Chameleon" statuetteQ&A sessions / Panel Discussions / Cybercast
Venue: Brooklyn Museum
Submission Preview tape on VHS (NTSC or PAL) or DVD.All Screening formats accepted.
ENTRY FORM AND RULES AVAILABLE AT: http://wbff.org/submit/or contact: Mario Pego, Festival Programmer: submit05@wbff.org
====================================Brooklyn International Film Festival180 South 4th St., suite 2 South,Brooklyn, New York 11211ph: (718) 486 8181 - (718) 388 4306fax: (718) 599 5039submit05@wbff.org - http://wbff.org/submit/