The 2nd Annual Canadian Awards for the Electronic and Animated Arts (CAEAA) along with its event partners Ernst & Young, Electronic Arts (EA), Autodesk and the British Columbia Provincial Government will be inviting videogame and animation companies as well as the students and educators from around the world to participate in this year's awards event, the 2007 Elans.
While last year'sCAEAA hosted by William Shatner drew worldwide attention, only Canadian content qualified for nomination. The 2008 Elans will include International Award Categories determined by worldwide industry input.
The 2008 Elans will be held in February, at The Centre in Vancouver for the Performing Arts. The state-of-the-art structure, regarded as the premiere entertainment facility in the city, will host the nearly 2,000 worldwide guests and participants of this year's Elans, tripling the attendance of its inaugural year in 2006.
This year the awards will also grow into a two-day event: The day following the Elans, the CAEAA producers along with industry associations such as the International Gaming Development Association (IGDA) and Ernst & Young will be hosting a full day industry event. The CIV will offer CEOs and their staff from videogaming, animation and new media schools, both big and small, the opportunity to meet in person and "talk business." This day will provide for Canadian and international 2007 Elans attendees to interface in a casual but informative environment within luxurious surroundings. The day will end with a VIP wrap party currently planned for the Vancouver Art Gallery whereat working art from animation and videogaming projects will be displayed and auctioned for charity. Special events and rates for excursions such as Whistler getaways will be available for those not wishing to hurry home on Sunday.
The CAEAA couldn't produce the 2007 Elans without its Founders; those already committed to support this coming year's awards include Foundation 9/Backbone Entertainment, Western Imperial Magnetics, David Kaye Productions, Selkirk College, The Art Institute of Vancouver, Emily Carr Institute, VFS and Dean Lauz of D'Arts.
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