Hi, I'm an old school 2d artist (pigments, canvas, ect) new to animation. I'm using Toonboom Studio 8.1 on a Macbook Pro 15" . The laptop has the minimum 256 for the graphics, and I've created a number of short animated works importing png images and using the rotate tools, as well as stop motion. BUT, when I draw a basic figure, rig it with bones, and try to animate it past the second key frame, the program crashes. Tech Support says I might not have enough power in my graphics pac. I don't want to have to buy a new computer just to animate my drawings, so, whats the best program for the computer I have?
Is your computer a i7 and is
Is your computer a i7 and is your computer running on the latest OS. What graphic card are you running. Compare all of this with the requirement for your software.
Yes, it is the i7, I'm
Yes, it is the i7, I'm running Mavericks, as I'm undecided about Yosemite. Macbooks don't really have a "card' per se, but it's the 256mb. TB tech support says thats enough for kid stiff, but the bones program chews up alot of memory. It could be me entering faulty commands that causes the crash, but that doesn't address the issue of having to click multiple times to perform an enabled fuction. ie; draw, or adding/connecting/ manipulating bones. I have tried a number of times, following the user's manual step by step, but when I get to that 2nd key frame it shuts down.
I looked briefly at Anime Studio 11 and want to find out more.
It’s very strange, a MacBook
It’s very strange, a MacBook should be able to handle any programs.
I advise you to check your
I advise you to check your MacBook for viruses. Because it should work like a clock! I discovered the adaware web companion and learned about this software on Moonlock. I advise you to install it, because many people are trying to harm Apple technology. Remember, MacBooks should not glitch or kick you out of applications. If this happens, then it’s worth looking for the reason!
If Toon Boom Studio is giving
If Toon Boom Studio is giving you trouble, try OpenToonz or Krita. They're free and work well for 2D animation on less powerful machines.
Guys, what do you think?
Guys, what do you think? Should I switch from a regular MacBook Air to a MacBook Pro? I really like that my MacBook Air is lightweight and convenient to carry around. But right now, I can afford to upgrade to a MacBook Pro, paying more but hopefully getting more in return. Or there’s another option: I could simply replace my MacBook Air M1 with a MacBook Air M3. I’ve checked out different sources, and here as well https://setapp.com/lifestyle/apple-m2-vs-m3-chip-difference to understand the difference between each of the chips, and I think the M3 is the best option overall. Not just because it’s the latest from Apple, but also because the M2 seems like a bit of a miss. The M3 has the most advantages. So right now, I’m choosing between the MacBook Pro M1 or the MacBook Air M3.