It’s a job battle field out there and it calls for a warrior spirit. Whether you live in the illusion that you possess “job security” or you are swinging from the vine hoping the limb won’t break before you hit the ground, this is no time for the faint of heart. Knowing that your job is a battlefield makes you appreciate the times when you can kick back and enjoy the ride even when you are not always sure where that ride will take you.
It’s a job battle field out there and it calls for a warrior spirit. Whether you live in the illusion that you possess “job security” or you are swinging from the vine hoping the limb won’t break before you hit the ground, this is no time for the faint of heart. Knowing that your job is a battlefield makes you appreciate the times when you can kick back and enjoy the ride even when you are not always sure where that ride will take you. These tough times can make or break you but it will take a brave-heart-like warrior who can navigate the treacherous terrain at all odds. Do you have what it takes to sit back and wait for change or make change happen for you? Do you have the true job warrior spirit in you?
Change is a process we go through as we evolve our human experience. Not all of it is lined with roses, sometimes the challenges we face, particularly as it relates to our careers makes us stronger, sometimes not. Transformation of who and what we expect to become when we venture towards looking for a job is as much a part of that process as sending out your resume or lining up the next interview. Thinking through your plan of action in terms of what you want to accomplish as part of your job search makes the process flow much easier. As a true job warrior, no battle is won without a plan and no plan is executed without support, artillery and of course allies.
In order to succeed as a job warrior, you need to garner all the courage necessary for you to move forward towards achieving your goals. Before you can make a battle plan, you need to know what you wish to conquer and who you wish to become in the process. Not having a clearly defined goal will make your efforts less effective and your goals towards succeeding meaningless. Every warrior creates a battle cry-what would yours sound like? Your job mantra should clearly state your goal like, “I will create a top rated network television series and receive an Emmy and receive great acclaim.” Knowing what you want before you lay out your plan will help you get there faster. Even though you may think your goals are pie-in-the-sky, thinking big and thinking smart is the only way you will flex your job warrior muscles and reach for what you want.
Having a goal in mind before you set out to create your battle plan will guide you towards creating the opportunities that will open doors for you when you least expect it. Being as specific as you can, short and concise in your mission will help you focus your energy and project the support you need to build the army that will help you achieve your career goals. Becoming a job warrior takes determination, conviction, a clear vision and a fighter spirit to help push you through even when times are tough.
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