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Category: Anime

Headline News

Macromedia relases Flash Player for UNIX

San Francisco, California-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced that itsFlash Player, which enables internet browsers to play web animations, willbe available free on September 1, 1999 for Linux, Sun Microsystems, Inc.'sSolaris, and Silicon Graphics Inc.'s Irix platforms. Flash is the standardfor creating high-impact, vector-based Web sites that deliver motion,sound, interactivity, and graphics. Flash Player versions for UNIX will beavailable for download at no charge from the Macromedia Web site.

Effects Headline News

PDI shares latest breakthroughs at SIGGRAPH 99

By Dan Sarto | Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 12:00am

Computer graphics industry leader PDI (Pacific Data Images) will participate in a variety of presentations at SIGGRAPH 99. They include the following:

- PDI Co-founder and Chairman Carl Rosendahl is featured in the newACM SIGGRAPH produced feature-length documentary, THE STORY OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS. The documentary "chronicles the history of the industry, its impact on society, and the excitement of future possibilities."

- Electronic Theatre: For the fourth consecutive year, PDI is proud to

Design Headline News

2D and 3D animation courses available at Austin Community College

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

The Visual Communication Design department of Austin Community College offers a work intensive program in the areas of Graphic Design and Multimedia production. The two year Associate of Applied Science degree includes classes in Computer Production Art, Typographic Design, Illustrative Techniques, Graphic Design and Basic Drawing. The Applied Multimedia Technology certificate offers extensive training in 2D and 3D Computer Animation, Motion Graphics, World Wide Web Design, Multimedia Authoring, Interface Design and Photoshop Techniques.

Story Headline News

Leonard Nimoy narrates new documentary film “The Story of Computer Graphics

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Actor Leonard Nimoy, who has gained worldwide recognition portraying the legendary character Mr. Spock in the science fiction juggernaut "Star Trek," narrates the new feature length documentary film "The Story of Computer Graphics."

"The Story of Computer Graphics" which premiered Sunday, August 8th at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, will also be shown during SIGGRAPH 99 in Room 501 of the Los Angeles Convention Center.Screening times are: 9-12 August at 9 am, 10:45 am, 12:30 pm, 2:15 pm and 4 pm; and 13 August at 9 am, 10:45 am and 12:30 pm.

Headline News

Don't miss these new U.S. home entertainment releases

This list of upcoming home entertainment releases includes some new titles,but most of them are new only to DVD. Disney has just re-released ROBINHOOD and ALICE IN WONDERLAND; their live-action RETURN TO OZ, whichincludes some stop-motion by Will Vinton Studios, will be released on DVDand VHS on August 10. Touchstone's WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? will bereleased on DVD on September 28. Warner Bros. has just released 1999'sanimated THE KING AND I on both VHS and DVD; WALLACE AND GROMIT: THE

Wars Headline News

New anime releases for Fall 1999

A.D.V. Films is releasing the following titles in the US. CITY HUNTER: BAYCITY WARS, and SORCERER HUNTERS VOLUME 5 - FORBIDDEN DESIRES, are beingreleased on October 12, while SAKURA WARS 2, SAKURA WARS DVD, and VARIABLEGEO, are being released on October 26. All of these titles will be releasedin both English dubbed and Japanese with English subtitles. A.D.V.'sSoftcel division, which specializes in titles with nudity, sex, and adultsituations, is releasing CAN CAN BUNNY and COUNTDOWN: AKIRA on September

Books Headline News

U.S. Miyazaki fans look forward to new books

Taking advantage of the buzz around the upcoming release of the Englishversion of PRINCESS MONONOKE directed by Hayao Miyazaki, which is due to bereleased on October 29, 1999, Stone Bridge Press and Miramax Press are bothreleasing tie-in books. Stone Bridge Press is publishing HAYAO MIYAZAKI:MASTER OF JAPANESE ANIMATION by Helen McCarthy. The book mixes film-by-filmsummaries with insider interviews and discussions of art, plot, productionqualities, and themes. It is a 216 page, 7x9" paperback with more than 70

Film Headline News

NASFiC calls for entries

Affiliated with the World Science Fiction Convention, the North AmericanScience Fiction Convention which takes place in Anaheim, California, August26 - 29, 1999, is held whenever the WSFC is outside of North America (as itis this year in Australia). The convention includes hundreds of authors,artists, and filmmakers as speakers; an art show; a dealers room; films;costume competition; dances; parties and more. The film competition acceptsentries in 16mm and VHS (NTSC only), to be judged by a panel of working TV

Headline News

Don't miss these new anime releases!

Houston, Texas-based ADV Films is releasing GALAXY FRAULEIN YUNA RETURNS onJuly 13 and QUEEN EMERALDAS on July 27 in the US. Both ADV Films titleswill be available in subtitled and dubbed versions. For more informationvisit New York City-based Central Park Media is releasingRECORD OF LODOSS WAR: CHRONICLES OF THE HEROIC KNIGHT - A NEW LEGENDBEGINS, MIDNIGHT PANTHER: GENERAL RELEASE VERSION, and THE SLAYERS NEXT:THE FORBIDDEN DANCE? on August 8 in the US, and RECORD OF LODOSS WAR:

Headline News

Samurai, Cyborgs & Outrageous Babes at UCLA

The second part of UCLA's tribute to Japanese anime takes place May 8 -June 1, 1999. (The first part of the series, titled MAGICAL BOYS & GIRLS,took place in January 1999 and was devoted to children's animation.) Thetribute includes the following programs:

THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1999 - 7:30 PMPRAISE BE TO SMALL ILLS (NAMU ICHIBYO SOKUSAI) (1973, 35mm, 18 min.)Directed by Tadanari Okamoto. In Japanese with English subtitles.THE DEMON (ONI)(1972, 35 mm, 8 min.) Directed by Kihachiro Kawamoto. In

Headline News

New, special 15th Anniversary issue of ANIMATO! now available!

This issue #40 is Animato!'s special 15th Anniversary issue with 144 boundpages. Featured articles include: Gerry Anderson, The McKimson Brothers,Cartoon Network, Warner Bros., Jay Ward Voices, Flip the Frog, Bartlett,Rose, Quakenbush, Fogel, Simensky, Tartakovsky, McCracken, Mulan, a hugeAnime section and more. There's just too much to list everything! Orderyour copy in AWN's Newsstand, where you can subscribe to your favoriteanimation publications directly from the Internet 24 hours a day! Already

Headline News

SVA offers class on Japanese animation

The School of Visual Arts in New York City will offer a course for credit on "Japanese Animation: History and Style" as part of its Continuing Education program. Instructor Brian Camp, author of several articles about anime, will focus on the recent history and stylistic development of anime, from the pioneering work of Osamu Tezuka in the '60s, to the epic space sagas of the '70s, to the visionary achievements of a host of innovative animators in the '80s and '90s.

Digital Headline News

Curious Pictures promotes Boo Wong

BOO WONG has been promoted to head the CGI Department atCurious Pictures, the bi-coastal, live-action, graphics, special effectsand animation studio, it was announced today by Executive Producer/Head ofProduction Richard Winkler. Wong, 33, succeeds Tammy Walters, who recentlyleft the company to pursue a career as a producer. In her new post, Wongwill be responsible for the overall operation of the CGI departmentincluding scheduling, media flow, resource management, evaluation and

Anime Headline News

Encore's Action Channel presents Anime

Encore Media Group's five-year-old Action Channel has established a new late-night Saturday programming block devoted to adult Japanese animation called Anime. Encore has acquired ten Japanese animation titles, and will launch the show with anime distributor A.D. Vision's TEKKEN: THE MOTION PICTURE on April 3. In addition to TEKKEN, five additional titles are from A.D. Vision: BATTLE ANGEL, BLOOD REIGN: CURSE OF YOMA, GSC GUNSMITH CATS, SOL BIANCA and the cult series BLUE SEED.

Effects Headline News

Adobe releases powerful new After Effects 4.0

Adobe Systems has began shipping Adobe After Effects 4.0, the latest version of the software tool for motion graphics designers and visual effects artists. Highlighting this release is tighter integration with other Adobe applications (e.g. Premiere, Photoshop, Illustrator).

Headline News

Coming soon to a VCR near you

By Amid Amidi | Thursday, February 4, 1999 at 12:00am

Disney's 36th animated feature, "Mulan," is released on video on February 2 at $26.99. It will receive a simultaneous release in Disney's Spanish-language collection, Disney En Espanol. As a special bonus, the video will feature an exclusive five-minute behind-the-scenes look at Walt Disney Pictures' upcoming animated film, "Tarzan." DreamWorks will release "Antz" on home video on February 9 only four months after its theatrical release at $26.98.

Headline News

Colossal's new Blockbuster Video ad makes Santa much cooler

By Amid Amidi | Wednesday, December 2, 1998 at 12:00am

San Francisco-based (Colossal) Pictures collaborated with Blockbuster Video to create two Christmas-themed spots promoting the new Holiday GiftCards at the national U.S. video chain. The 15- and 30-second spots update Santa Claus for the 21st century utilizing an "anime" style complete with a "super heroic" Santa, ultra-modern cybor-reindeer and a futuristic cityscape. The ad's talented crew consisted of creative director/designer Mike Smith, director George Evelyn, animation director Chuck Gammage, and was created by the Doner agency in Detroit.

Animation Headline News

Bandai's enables on-line anime purchases

By Amid Amidi | Monday, November 2, 1998 at 12:00am

Bandai's is the first video releasing company in the US that enables consumers to purchase Japanese animation directly through the Internet. The site also features the latest animation news from Japan, real-time chats, games, message boards, and contests.'s initial release slate includes the "Gundam" series and "The Vision of Escaflowne" with plans to expand their library up to 200 titles by the end of 1999.

Anime Headline News

Anime Attacks Atlanta!

By Guest (not verified) | Wednesday, October 7, 1998 at 12:00am

* Friday, October 9 - Sunday, October 11. Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

Anime Weekend Atlanta, the largest Japanese animation event in the Southeast U.S., takes place at the Marriott North-Central Hotel. Scheduled guests include Amy Howard, the voice of Nova on Star Blazers; George Lowe, the voice of Space Ghost and C. Martin Croker, the voice of Zorak and Moltar, from Cartoon Planet; Tim Eldred, artist and animator and Steve Bennett and Kuni Kimura from Studio Ironcat. For information visit

Anime Headline News

Anime fans go to Neko-Con

By Guest (not verified) | Tuesday, September 29, 1998 at 12:00am

* Friday, October 2 - Sunday, October 4. Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S.A.

The Neko-Con anime convention takes place at the Holiday Executive Center. Guests of honor include director Hiroki Hayashi ("Bubblegum Crisis"). For information visit

Animation Headline News

L.A. Teen Comic Art & Animation Festival

By Guest (not verified) | Tuesday, September 29, 1998 at 12:00am

* Saturday, October 3 - Sunday, October 4. Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

The third annual Teen Comic Art & Animation Festival takes place at the Los Angeles Public Library in downtown L.A. Saturday's events include workshops, portfolio reviews and company presentations. Sunday is "Anime day" with screenings of Japanese animation from 1 to 5 p.m. For information call (213) 228-7510.

Headline News

Abundant Anime Releases

By Guest (not verified) | Tuesday, September 1, 1998 at 12:00am

Fall is upon us, and so is the season of many video releases. Following is a list of upcoming U.S. video releases of Japanese anime films. A.D.V. Films and their label Urban Vision will release "Tekkamen Blade II - Stage 3: Final Encounter" (9/22/98), "Dark Warrior" (10/06/98), "MAPS 1 & 2" (10/06/98), "Dark Warrior - First Strike" (10/06/98), "Cutey Honey Volume 2" (10/13/98), "Delinquent in Drag" (10/20/98), "Ruin Explorers 2" (10/27/98) and "Slayers: Dragon Slave!" (11/10/98).
