The Entertainment/Marketing/Exploitation Relationship: Two Takes
Buzz Potamkin reviews two new books: What Kids Buy and Why: The Psychology of Marketing to Kids by Dan S. Acuff and The Business of Children's Entertainment by Norma Odom Pecora.
Animated Films In Psychiatry: The Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Lausanne Cery Hospital, 1962-1981
Nag Ansorge discusses his teaching experiences at The Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Lausanne and describes the patients' animation production process as well as the films that they created. In English and French.
Le Film d'Animation en Psychiatrie Hôpital de Cery (Lausanne) - 1962 à 1981.
Nag Ansorge oque son expience d'enseignement la clinique psychiatrique de l'Universitde Lausanne, et drit le processus de production et les films d'animation realis. Article disponible en franis et en anglais.
Rotoscoping in the Modern Age
Visual effects artist Marian Rudnyk describes the rotoscoping process used for the creation of atmospheric effects in the Oscar-winning feature film, Titanic
In Passing... A Tribute to Pierre Ayma (1941-1998)
Finally, something the Pimp likes! Rex The Runt.But, this month, we see that the Animation Pimp reads a lot into this show of four dogs.
General Chaos: Uncensored Animation
Mark Segall reviews Manga Entertainment's debut theatrical compilation of short animated films, General Chaos: Uncensored Animation
En Hommage à Pierre Ayma
Annick Teninge of Animation World Network introduces a collection of tributes and remembrances by friends and students of this dynamic French educator.
Anima Animus Animation
Wendy Jackson reviews the 1998 book Anima Animus Animation, a collection of creative works by the Czech surrealist filmmaker Jan Svankmajer and painter Eva Svankmajerov.
The Anime! Movie Guide: Different But Equal
Brian Camp reviews the 1998 book The Anime! Movie Guide by Helen McCarthy, former editor of Anime UK and author of Anime! A Beginner's Guide to Japanese Animation.
Rotoscoping in the Modern Age: 'Titanic'
How did they create Jack and Rose's frosty breath? Marian Rudnyk describes the rotoscoping process that was used to bring the Titanic experience to life.
Dig This - Monsters of Grace!!
A digital opera in three dimensions, combining the theatrical direction of Robert Wilson, the music of composer Philip Glass and the 3-D stereoscopic animation of Kleiser-Walczak Construction Company (KWCC).
Animating Under the Camera
Animating under the camera with sand or paint on glass is a tricky feat. Here a host of experts offer their tried and true methods.
Eight Point Star: A Mind Experience in Animation
Brazilian director Marcos Magalhs describes his experience teaching the animation process to renowned artist Fernando Diniz, creator of Eight Point Star and a patient in a Rio de Janeiro mental hospital.
Editor's Notebook
Estrela De Oito Pontas: Uma experiência mental em animação
O diretor brasileiro Marcos Magalhs conta sua experiencia ao ensinar o processo de animao ao conhecido artista Fernando Diniz, criador do filme Estrela de Oito Pontas e paciente de um Hospital para doentes mentais no Rio de Janeiro. A reportagem est? disponivel em portugues e ingles.
Inside Zagreb: The Preselection Process
Independent animator John R. Dilworth describes his experiences as a preselection committee member for the 1998 Zagreb Festival of Animated Films.
Dirdy Birdy
Melissa Chimovitz profiles the healthy independent animation scene in New York, focusing on the work of seven animators: George Griffin, John Canemaker, Kathy Rose, Debra Solomon, Steve Dovas, Lewis Klahr, Janie Geiser.
MIP-TV 98 : l'animation en crise ?
Julien Dubois fait un compte-rendu de l'ition 1998 du MIP-TV Cannes, rant un marchinternational de l'animation agit
Uma Aventura em Desenho Animado nos limites da Floresta Amazônica
Um artigo de Wilson Lazaretti descrevendo suas aventuras ao ensinar animao para os indenas da floresta amazica.
MicroSites: Easy to Make, Hard to See
Want to make professional-looking banners for the Web that are complete with animations? Ged Bauer puts this new banner-creating software, MicroSites, to the test.
The Most Wonderful Voyage in Folioscope
A review of the 1998 Brussels Cartoon and Animated Film Festival, by Valie Hamon-Rivoallon. Available in French and English.
Rugrats Hit the Road
When television's number one rated toddlers hit the road with Rugrats: A Live Adventure, Animation World sent Ron MacFarlane to see Nickelodeon's stage show.
Everywhere But On a Desert Island....
A survey of animation industry professionals around the globe, asking, "What ten animated films would you want to have with if stranded on a desert island?"
SGI: Simulating A Lot More Than Dinosaurs
Silicon Graphics, Inc. is the leader in simulation animation. Thor J. Mednick discovers just how broad the applications are, from military to medical.