Carlye Archibeque

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Authored By:
Carlye Archibeque

Carlye Archibeque joined the U.S. NAVY Seabees in 1985 and learned that the acronym stood for "Never Again Volunteer Yourself," but the theme has never really sunk in. A true believer in volunteerism in all areas of life, she began her work in the industry as an intern at the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences Film Archive helping to process the Technicolor collection of film that had been donated to the Academy’s Archive. Currently, she has been giving time to SIGGRAPH for the past 3-years as the assistant producer (2007), producer (2008) and executive producer (2009) of the yearly Computer Animation Festival.

Ernest Hemmingway said "one cat leads to another." In this case one volunteer opportunity led to another and those opportunities led to global travel, new friends and a feeling of personal satisfaction. Sure there’s no money to be made, but as you read the weekly installments of "Carlye's Digital Cel," you’ll be surprised at the real value of being part of something that could not exist without volunteers. Currently Ms. Archibeque’s volunteer activities include Chairing the Los Angeles Chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH and Co-Chairing the Visual Effects Society’s Archive Committee with 3D supervisor, Rob Engle and acting as the International Outreach Chair for the Vancouver SPARK Festivals.

Carlye Archibeque has been writing reviews and articles for music and film magazines since 1992. She publishes The Independent Reviews Site which covers a wide range of cultural joys including film, politics and music. She was a contributor to "The Video Hounds Guide to DVDs" books 2 and 3 and her interview with Dan Clowes about his film adaptation of Ghost World is included in the book, "Dan Clowes: Conversations" which is available in bookstores now.