Big Game Hunting in the U.K.
Mark Ramshaw looks at the realtime 3D asset and coding trends in the U.K. videogames industry at the moment.
'Sudeki': Magic and Martial Arts
Mary Ann Skweres talks with the developers of the role-playing game Sudeki about their creative and technical processes.
The Pixel Priestess: Game'Girl'
The Pixel Priestess looks at how the world of VFX fits into its sister (brother?) universe of games.
A 'Passion' for VFX
Bill Desowitz sits down with Ted Rae, the visual effects supervisor and 2nd unit director on The Passion of the Christ, to discuss the digital challenges of Mel Gibsons surprising biblical blockbuster.
Marty Shindler, ceo of management consulting firm The Shindler Perspective, takes readers through the ABCs of digital rights management.
The Magic Behind 'Ella Enchanted'
Mary Ann Skweres talks to the visual effects wizards who brought the magic to Miramaxs Ella Enchanted.
Photogrammetry: A Study of Image-Based Modeling
Tito A. Belgrave looks at photogrammetry and the creation of photoreal models. Includes QuickTime movie clips!
If Dogs Could Act, They’d be Scooby
Mary Ann Skweres uncovers the challenges of refining Scooby so he behaves more convincingly as a 3D canine with human characteristics in Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed.
'The Ladykillers' and the Evolving Challenges of D.I.
Ellen Wolff looks at the use of digital intermediate technology on the Coen brothers new film, The Ladykillers.
'Lorenzo': A ‘Moving Painting’ with a Wild Tail
Bill Desowitz gets a first look at Disneys new animated short, Lorenzo, about a narcissistic cat that boasts a unique look.
'Hidalgo' and the Digital Empowerment of Previs
The future is now for visual effects supervisor Tim Alexander, who learned that running a concurrent effects previs on Hidalgo helped to establish a successful digital pipeline.
The Future of Motion Capture
Henry Turner investigates the newest developments in motion capture and motion control, which brings the technology on-set. Includes a QuickTime movie clip from Hidalgo.
The Pixel Priestess: Art Has Bumped into the Ceiling of Technology
In her debut Pixel Priestess column, Jill Smolin ponders the tension between art and technology in vfx and where we go from here.
CGI History Begins with 'Game Over'
Game Over, UPNs new sitcom, is TVs first CG-animated primetime series. DKP Effects is meeting delivery challenges with artful technology that flows through theGRID.
'Game Over' Vital Stats
Sam Molineaux takes a look at three new eye-popping music videos: Hey Ya!, Pass That Dutch and Toxic.
3ds max 6 Review
In this fifth of a six-part series, Ellen Besen looks at Oscar-nominees Finding Nemo and The Triplets of Belleville and compares and contrasts their core analogies.