Will Vinton Studios completes "Diner" and "Bunnies"
Portland, Oregon-based Will Vinton Studios has completed two spots. "Diner"is a stop-motion animated spot for the Maryland Lottery, and won a 1999Bronze Clio. Skeets McGrew directed for Agency Eisner & Associates."Bunnies" is a spot for Citibank and uses reference footage based on anorigami artist's work which was manipulated using Maya software. SkeetsMcGrew directed for Agency Y & R New York.
Graphiti Multimedia completes Titan Clocks spot
India-based Graphiti Multimedia has completed a :20 spot for Titan AlarmClocks using Cambridge Animation Systems' Animo and 3D Studio MAX software.In the commercial, the prince from the "Sleeping Beauty" fairy tale uses analarm clock to wake the princess. Sunil Shetty directed.
Class-Key Chew-Po creates shampoo spot
Los Angeles-based Class-Key Chew-Po Commercials and Absolutely ProductionsLimited have created "Lunch Order," a spot for Procter & Gamble's Head &Shoulders Menthol shampoo. The spot features an animated "Jittery Julian"who transforms into a confidant "Cool Jules" after using the shampoo.Class-Key Chew-Po's Stig Bergqvist directed for Agency Saatchi &Saatchi/London.
Don't miss the 1999 AICP Show
The Association of Independent Commercial Producers' (AICP) Eighth AnnualAICP Show, The Art & Technique of the American Television Commercial,debuted at The Museum of Modern Art in New York City on June 9th, and willtour in the United States and internationally until April 2000. The showconsists of about fifty live-action and animated spots. Selections weremade by more than 400 judges throughout the US, as well as a panel composedof members of the industry from advertising agencies, production companies,
Film Roman signs licensing agreement with MSH
MSH Entertainment Corp. has announced that it has entered into adevelopment, co-production and cross licensing agreement with Film Roman,Inc. Under the terms of the agreement, both companies will own a portion ofthe adjusted gross profits from the television broadcast, toy andmerchandising licensing rights of each other's selected animated andlive-action properties produced under the agreement. In addition, MSH willengage Film Roman for co-development funding and deficit financing of some
Don't miss the inaugural VEAF!
The inaugural Vancouver Effects & Animation Festival (VEAF) will exhibitanimation and effects works created by people from around the world andwill present awards in 22 categories. The festival takes place Monday, July13-18 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. For more information call(604) 874-5590; or visit www.veaf.com.
ITE appoints Erik St. Anthony
Erik St. Anthony has been appointed Director of Multimedia at InteractiveTelevision Entertainment (ITE)-USA. St. Anthony will be responsible fordeveloping and implementing retail, on-line and ancillary distribution ofthe company's CD-ROM, PlayStation, and Game Boy formats in North America.St. Anthony founded Adventure Media Group and Trinidad Entertainment, whichtogether acquire DVD rights, create interactive formats on DVD and DVD-ROM,and distribute programming. ITE's library includes HUGO SAVES CHRISTMAS,
Chromacolour International moves global operations
Chromacolour, an international leader in the manufacture and sale of traditional and digital animation materials, software and equipment, has just moved their manufacturing operation to a new 20,000 square foot facility in North East Calgary, Canada. This is also the location of their global headquarters and Sales and Distribution center. The company's European Sales and Distribution center has been recently relocated to a new facility in London, England as well.
Spontaneous Combustion creates Post Alpha Bits spot
New York-based Spontaneous Combustion has created the CGI for "It All Starts with ABC," a :15 spot for Post Alpha Bits cereal created to accompany PBS' ARTHUR. In the spot the camera slowly pulls back from Alpha-Bits-like letters to reveal that they are part of words on a page, and that this page is in a book, and that this book is part of a stack which grows past a UFO in outer space. The spot used Adobe After Effects to create matte paintings which were nested inside one another to create the cosmic zoom effect. 3D Studio Max was used to create the books.
The Attik makes "Deep Sea"
San Francisco-based The Attik has finished "Deep Sea," a :30 PSA for The Monterey Bay Aquarium. The spot contrasts the depth of the ocean with the highest points above sea level such as the Empire State Building and Mount Everest. It combines live-action vignettes, taken from stock footage, with computer rendering. Simon Dixon directed for Agency Goldberg Moser O'Neill Adverting.
J.J. Sedelmaier Productions animates Al Roker
New York-based J.J. Sedelmaier Productions created "Dream Job," a :10 film for NBC's TODAY SHOW's Al Roker, which shows the morning talk show's weatherman together with sun and cloud characters. J.J. Sedelmaier directed.
(Colossal) makes Marshmallow Alpha-bits
San Francisco-based (Colossal) Pictures has completed "I Scream" for Kraft Foods Marshmallow Alpha-bits. Directed by Charlie Canfield for Agency Ogilvy & Mather L.A., the spot is about a group of marshmallow vowels joining up for a rowdy "I scream for ice cream" game. The spot uses traditional cel and computer animation. San Francisco-based Giant Killer Robots did the CGI.
Universal appoints Kenton Low
Universal Studios has appointed Kenton Low senior vice president of corporate marketing and Universal Studios Online. In the newly created position, Low reports to Hellene Runtagh, Executive Vice President, and is responsible for developing and executing corporate strategic marketing programs globally. This includes brand management, leveraging Universal's global franchises, and expansion of the company's corporate partnerships program. Low will also oversee Universal Studios Online, the business unit responsible for web site development and e-commerce initiatives.
Balmur makes Tony Baylis CEO
Balmur Entertainment has appointed Tony Baylis as CEO. Baylis joined Balmur in February 1996 as Executive Vice President/COO, and was appointed President/COO in October 1998. Prior to Balmur, Baylis served as Vice President, Finance for Skyvision Entertainment, the television production arm of the John Labatt Entertainment Group, from 1993-1996. He began his entertainment industry career with the BCL Group, where he served as Director of Finance.
AWN Participates In The SIGGRAPH '99 Electronic Schoolhouse
The Electronic Schoolhouse is a new program at SIGGRAPH providing educators and students with an environment in which they can explore and learn the many ways in which computer graphics are taught and used in the classroom. This program will launch at the 26th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, August 8-13, 1999.
Clip Picks, A New Student Corner Feature!
A new section has been added to the student corner. AWN is now offering Quicktime movies of student and independent animator films...
Animha Productions' Latest News
Animha Productions, a unique association of professionals dedicated to independent film production and animation workshops, recently produced "When the Water is Sick...," in association with the ASIFA Workshops Group. "When the Water is Sick..." has been shortlisted for an award at the 6th Bradford International Animation Festival (BAF!). It will also be included in a special compilation of animated films by children from around the world to be screened in Annecy, France, during the summer of 1999. Another new project has already been launched by Animha.
StarBlazers' Special Offer
New Additions To AWN's Calendar Of Events
This week's updates to the Calendar of Events includes ten new animation-related events, including the London Effects & Animation Festival, ASIFA-Hollywood's 27th Annual Annie Awards and Nickelodeon's Animation Storyboard Competition...
Hollywood Shorts calls for entries
The September edition of HOLLYWOOD SHORTS, a monthly short film series, will select ten animated shorts that will be screened at THE GIG on September 12, 1999 in Los Angeles, California. Shorts must be no longer than 30 minutes. A special edition of HOLLYWOOD SHORTS will be broadcast via the internet covering the Los Angeles fest. The deadline is July 31, 1999.
Gargoyles fans will gather at World Tour
The Gathering 1999: Gargoyles World Tour, a convention devoted to Disney'sGARGOYLES TV series, will include an art show, workshops, a dealer's room,a gaming session, a radio show script-reading, a charity auction, and acostumed masquerade. Guests from the GARGOYLES show will include creatorGreg Weisman, who has also written for DC Comics' CAPTAIN ATOM and Sony'sMEN IN BLACK: THE SERIES among others, and is currently writing and editingfor Sony's upcoming STARSHIP TROOPERS CGI series; Frank Paur,
TARZAN drops to second
Disney's TARZAN finished second in the US weekend boxoffice race, grossingan estimated $23.5 million for a total of $77.02 million; Lucasfilm'sdigital effects-driven STAR WARS I: THE PHANTOM MENACE finished fifth andgrossed $14.6 million for a total of $352.16 million, becoming only thethird film to top $350 million in its initial domestic release and passingthis milestone in forty days, eighteen days faster than previous record holder TITANIC; Universal'sTHE MUMMY, with digital effects by ILM, finished seventh and grossed $2.1
Madcat Women's Film/Video Festival calls for entries
The Third Annual MadCat International Women's Film Festival will feature independent and experimental works by women from around the world. MadCat will be featured on Tuesday evenings in September, 1999 at El Rio Outdoor Cinema, a seasonal screening venue in San Francisco. MadCat is seeking innovative and challenging works by women. All lengths and genres will be considered. Entry Fees range from US$ 10.00 to $30.00 per entry (pay whatever you can afford!). No fee is requested for international entrants. Entry deadline is July 10, 1999. For more information contact MadCat c/o A.
Watch the Annies on TV!
The 26th annual ASIFA-Hollywood Annie Awards ceremony, which honors thebest in animation, and took place on November 13, 1998, will be broadcaston TV for the first time ever on KCAL TV 9 in Los Angeles, California onJune 26, 1999 at 9 pm. The awards ceremony, which was hosted by comedianJay Thomas, was originally announced to be televised on the Fox FamilyChannel sometime last December. For more information visitwww.asifa-hollywood.org.