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Film Roman signs licensing agreement with MSH

MSH Entertainment Corp. has announced that it has entered into adevelopment, co-production and cross licensing agreement with Film Roman,Inc. Under the terms of the agreement, both companies will own a portion ofthe adjusted gross profits from the television broadcast, toy andmerchandising licensing rights of each other's selected animated andlive-action properties produced under the agreement. In addition, MSH willengage Film Roman for co-development funding and deficit financing of someof the properties. Film Roman produces THE SIMPSONS and KING OF THE HILL,both of which appear on Fox Television. MSH Entertainment is a familyoriented, multi-platformed company and brand marketer of exclusive originalproperties. It is also a creator of toy concepts, original as well as toysrelated to children's television series, specials and movies. Film Romanand MSH recently entered into an agreement with Jane Seymour, star of theTV show DR. QUINN, MEDICINE WOMAN, and James Keach, her husband, for thedevelopment of a merchandising and toy line and the production of ananimated special written by Seymour and Keach titled THIS ONE 'N THAT ONE.The production is based upon their children's line of books published byPutnam & Co. that was inspired by their twin sons.
