Tagged With: Time

Time Headline News

Neil Patrick Harris & Donald Glover Head to 'Adventure Time'

Neil Patrick Harris and Donald Glover guest star in the new “Adventure Time” episode, “Bad Little Boy,” on Monday, Feb. 18 at 7:30 p.m. (ET, PT).

Games Headline News

'Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom' App Released

P2 Games announced the launch of the first official "Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom" app titled "Big Star Fun," which is now available on the App Store for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

Time Headline News

Aardman Unveils 'Timmy Time at SEA LIFE' Events

Aardman has partnered with the SEA LIFE to produce unique “Timmy Time at SEA LIFE” events that will be held at four UK SEA LIFE attractions from July 21 until September 2, 2012.

Time Headline News

SIGGRAPH Previews 2012 Art Gallery Exhibit

SIGGRAPH 2012 Art Gallery: In Search of the Miraculous presents exceptional digital and technologically mediated artworks that explore the existence of wonderment, mystery and awe in today’s world of mediating technologies and abundant data.

Time Headline News

re:think Creates Graphics Package for NFL Draft

re:think studios turned promos for ESPN’s 2012 NFL Draft broadcast into rooftop reels for the nation’s top football prospects using Luxology’s modo 601.
