Tagged With: Roof studio

Get Up and Go! Headline News

ROOF Fills it Up with Whimsy for Conoco’s ‘Choose Go’ Campaign

Incorporating elements from stop-motion to classic video games, the studio created 6 3D animated spots featuring unique ‘Goer’ characters who embark on whimsical adventures that start and end after gassing up.

People Headline News

Woodblock Names Luiza Cruz-Flade and Crystal Campbell Executive Producers

Based in London and Berlin, respectively, new hires will bolster the studio’s growth in direct-to brand offerings, build the studio’s reputation in the UK and Europe, and develop and secure new projects.

Naked Headline News

Naked Teams with Roof to Create Whimsical Bumpers for France’s TF1

Naked partners with Roof studio to develop an innovative project involving 45 eight-second bumpers, each depicting vibrant and extremely precise detailed 3D animation of a different themed mechanical world for, TF1.