GBI’s ‘SpacePOP’ Launches into Retail with Toys”R”Us
More than 40 new toys, accessories and confections based on the new, music-driven tween brand will be available for the first time beginning in December at Toys”R”Us stores and online.
More than 40 new toys, accessories and confections based on the new, music-driven tween brand will be available for the first time beginning in December at Toys”R”Us stores and online.
Genius Brands International expands licensing program for tween girl’s brand ‘SpacePop’ with appointment of new North American licensees.
Music and fashion-driven animated property to be released online and across other digital platforms including Toon Goggles, PopJam, BatteryPOP and the Kid Genius channel on Comcast’s Xfinity on Demand platform.
Mind Candy’s Michael Acton Smith announces, via YouTube, that he will step aside as CEO in order to focus more on the business’s creative side.