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Tagged With: Jellyfish

People Headline News

Jellyfish Ups Will Newis to Animation Global Head of Production

Previous animation division executive producer at the global animation and VFX studio will now lead studio’s international teams.

People Headline News

Jellyfish Pictures Appoints Matthew Bristowe as Director of Operations

Industry veteran with 20+ years of creative and commercial experience to bolster studio’s continued growth in animation and VFX.

Industrial Light & Magic VFXWorld

New Sheriff in Town: ILM’s Rob Bredow Talks ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’

From in-camera effects to the latest virtual production techniques, Industrial Light and Magic’s newly appointed head rounds up more than 1,800 VFX shots for the Star Wars stand-alone anthology space western.

Visual Effects Headline News

Escape Studios Sets 2016 Dates for The VFX Festival

Now in its fourth year, The VFX Festival 2016 will be held February 23-25 at Cineworld at the O2 Centre in London.