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Tagged With: The CG World Gathers in Turin

VIEW Visionary Award Headline News

VIEW Conference 2021 to Honor Sir Roger Deakins

The Oscar-Winning cinematographer, best known for ‘The Shawshank Redemption,’ ‘Blade Runner 2049,’ and ‘1917’ has been named the 2021 VIEW Visionary Award recipient; a special interview with Deakins and ‘How to Trail Your Dragon’ writer, director and producer Dean DeBlois is set for October 20.

The CG World Gathers in Turin Headline News

VIEW Conference 2021 Reveals New Speakers

Kirk DeMicco, Phil Lord and Chris Miller, Tim Miller, and Everett Downing Jr. join growing list of industry leaders and experts who will lead a variety of sessions at Italy’s premiere animation, VFX and CG conference, taking place online and in-person October 17-22; early bird tickets are now on sale.