Tagged With: Cartoon


The Growing Wave of Adult-Themed Animated Features from Europe

This year’s Cartoon Movie once again showed that the number of riskier, small budget animated feature film projects aimed at adult audiences continues to increase.

Animated Special Headline News

‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ Animated Special Coming to Canal+ and Piwi+

Leading French broadcaster and its pre-school channel purchase rights to hand-drawn animated film, which has its TV premier on Channel 4 later in 2016.

call for entries Headline News

Portugal’s Cinanima Fest Issues 2016 Call for Submissions

Fortieth Anniversary edition of Portugal's international animation festival runs November 7-13; deadline for entries is July 10.

Festivals Blogs

THREE DAYS ON THE “ISLAND IN THE SKY” La Citta Incantata Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy July 10, 11, and 12 2015

Civita di Bagnoregio is a step back into the past, with stone houses and narrow passages leading to hidden gardens. Except for the numerous tourists, you feel that you time has passed this town by.  Luca Raffaelli, one of Italy’s top experts on comics and animation, conceived the idea of La Cittá Incata, bringing together, there, over fifty of Italy’s most distinguished animators, designers, cartoonists, storyboard and visual artists to demonstrate and talk about their work. The meeting was promoted by Regione Lazio with Roma Capitale, realized by Progetto ABC (Arte Bellezza Cultura) together with Nufactory.

Music & Sound Headline News

Geek Orchestra Performs Anime, Cartoon & Game Music May 30

‘MiLESTONES: A Concert of Anime, Cartoon, and Video Game Anniversaries’ celebrating milestone anniversaries of childhood favorites to be performed on Saturday, May 30 at The Sheen Center in Manhattan.

APD 2015 Headline News

Animation Production Day Announces CARTOON Partnership

New two-stage selection process at ADP 2015 allows animation projects at a very early stage of development optimal preparation time for the Cartoon Forum event in Toulouse.

The Canadian Red Cross Headline News

ToonBox’s ‘Beet Party’ Partners with Canadian Red Cross

ToonBox Entertainment puts ‘The Beet Party’ to work as part of a new educational program, Violence, Bullying and Abuse Prevention, for the Canadian Red Cross.

