New two-stage selection process at ADP 2015 allows animation projects at a very early stage of development optimal preparation time for the Cartoon Forum event in Toulouse.

Animation Production Day is teaming with CARTOON -- the European Association of Animation Film -- to help streamline the pitching process for new projects in development at APD 2015.
Hosted by the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) and the FMX Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia, ADP 2015 runs May 7 & 8. At APD, German and international producers present their projects from the areas of film, series, games and transmedia to broadcasters, distributors, sales agents, funders and investors in individually tailored one-to-one meetings. Up to three of the projects presented at this year’s edition of the German marketplace will be eligible to qualify for participation in CARTOON Forum, which takes place this year September 15-18 in Toulouse, France.
CARTOON, an international non-profit organization based in Brussels supported by Creative Europe -- MEDIA, organizes several events for the European and international animation industry, among them the Cartoon Forum with over 800 European and international participants. Cartoon Forum focuses on pitching sessions of pre-selected TV projects in front of a huge auditorium of European and international broadcasters, investors and producers.
APD provides an opportunity to pitch animation projects at a very early stage of development. Qualification for Cartoon Forum -- where a higher stage of development is required -- enables further development and optimal preparation of the chosen projects for the event in Toulouse.
“This two-stage model accelerates the often tedious search for the appropriate production, broadcasting and distributing partners,” says ITFS managing director Dittmar Lumpp.
“Moreover the model makes access easier to the global market for German series projects with international potential,” adds FMX program director Ulrich Wegenast.
“The APD`s great advantage in particular is the broad range of the projects,” says FMX program consultant Andreas Hykade, who also serves as Head of Animation at the Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg. “The APD’s great advantage in particular is the broad range of the projects. Representatives of all relevant areas meet here -- that is what makes the APD unique. In this sense the APD is a necessary extension to all events already existing.”
“CARTOON is very excited about this new collaboration,” says CARTOON general director Marc Vandeweyer, “and has no doubt that the quality of projects submitted to the APD will draw out more German animation projects that can demonstrate their international scope at the Cartoon Forum.”
APD is the only German marketplace event focused exclusively on animation. It is hosted by the Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) and the FMX Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia, both major events in their respective fields that take place during the same week in spring.
Source: Animation Production Day