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AWN Headline News

Headline News

DUMBO author dies

Helen Aberson Mayer, co-author with Harold Perl of "Dumbo, the FlyingElephant," the children's book that inspired the 1941 Walt Disney animatedfeature, DUMBO, died April 3, 1999 in her Manhattan home. She was 92. Bornin Syracuse, New York in 1907, Mayer, who was known as Helen Aberson whenshe wrote "Dumbo," moved from Syracuse, to Los Angeles, California in 1939at the request of the Walt Disney Company.

In her story, Dumbo the baby elephant is teased for his oversized ears, but

Digital Headline News

Star Wars gets even more digital

Two films are about to make history as the first widely released featurefilms available to moviegoers via digital projection. One is STAR WARSEPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE; the other is the English romantic comedy, ANIDEAL HUSBAND. Beginning June 18, and continuing for four weeks, a digitalversion of Oliver Parker's AN IDEAL HUSBAND will play in New York City andLos Angeles. Check your papers for locations and times. For STAR WARSEPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE, CineComm Digital Cinema and Texas

Effects Headline News

VES '99: A Festival of Visual Effects set to begin

* Friday, June 4 - Sunday, June 6. Los Angeles, California, USA.

VES '99: A Festival of Visual Effects will include seminars by Robert Abel,Dennis Muren, Jim Henson's Creature Shop, ILM's Rob Coleman, NASA's JetPropulsion Laboratory, John Knoll, Ray Harryhausen, and Scott Squires, andSETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute). For moreinformation contact the Visual Effects Society at tel. (818) 789-7083; fax(818) 789-7085; e-mail:; or

Film Headline News

UNICEF films premiere at the Annecy Film Festival

Thirty-seven never-before-seen CARTOONS FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS PSA's will be shown at the Annecy Film Festival in Annecy, France on Tuesday, June 1 at 6 pm. A global broadcast initiative organized by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), CARTOONS FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS informs people about children's rights, as set forth by the 1989 United Nations General Assembly Convention on the Rights of the Child. To help raise awareness of these rights, UNICEF has collected 66 CARTOONS FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS spots produced by animators from 32 countries.

Million Headline News

STAR WARS coasts on top

Four effects driven action films finished in the top ten this week, led byLucasfilm's STAR WARS EPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE which grossed $32.2million to bring its total to $255 million. Universal's THE MUMMY, withdigital effects by ILM, finished fourth, grossing $7.5 million for a totalof $127.6 million; THE MATRIX, directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski,finished sixth, grossing $2.4 million for a total of $158.2 million; THETHIRTEENTH FLOOR, with digital effects by Centropolis Effects, finished

Animation Headline News

New studio opens in India

Toonz Animation India Pvt. Ltd., a new animation production studio inIndia, will have a limited opening in August, with an official openingfollowing November 1-5, 1999. Toonz will offer a full-range of productionservices for episodic television series and commercials. Toonz will also bededicated to developing original pilot shows based on Indian folklore andmythology. "India has a rich treasury of folklore which will form the basisfor many of our pilot shows," states Bill Dennis, President and CEO. In its

Film Headline News

Wendy Tilby wins at Annecy!

Two weeks after winning for best short film at the Cannes Film Festival,Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis' short film, WHEN THE DAY BREAKS (TheNational Film Board of Canada), has won the Grand Prix for best animatedshort film at Annecy '99, which concluded on Saturday, June 5. The film isabout a pig whose world shifts after a car accident kills a stranger (achicken) on her block. The complete list of award winners is as follows:The special Jury Prize went to AU BOUT DU MONDE/AT THE END OF THE EARTH by

Comics Headline News

Alex Ross art auction will benefit UNICEF

Comic book artist Alex Ross will debut a limited edition lithograph fromthe DC Comics graphic novel SUPERMAN: PEACE ON EARTH at the Warner Bros.Studio Store Gallery at the corner of Fifth Ave. and 57th St. in New YorkCity on June 10, 1999 at 7 pm. The book tells the story of Superman'sefforts to alleviate world hunger. Sixteen pieces of the artwork to beauctioned at Sotheby's later in June will be on display at the same WarnerBros. Studio Store from Sunday, June 6-Saturday, June 12. Ross will donate

Headline News

Nick offers a new BLUE'S CLUES CD-ROM for preschoolers

Nickelodeon and Humongous Entertainment have released BLUE'S 123 TIMEACTIVITIES, a new CD-ROM game based on Nickelodeon's popular preschooltelevision show, BLUE'S CLUES. BLUE'S 123 TIME ACTIVITIES allowspreschoolers to practice pre-math and problem-solving skills with Blue andher friends. Individually paced, multi-level learning activities help kidsdevelop logical thinking and deductive reasoning skills, practice simplemath, and explore numerical estimation and prediction. In the game,

Headline News

Make way for more H.R. PUFNSTUF, SIGMUND, and LAND OF THE LOST videos

As we reported, on June 1 Rhino Home Video released THE WORLD OF SID &MARTY KROFFT, a three-volume set that included one episode from everyKrofft Saturday morning show. Now on July 20 the kooky shows of Sid & MartyKrofft will once again find their way into American living rooms with thehome video release of individual episodes of H.R. PUFNSTUF, SIGMUND & THESEA MONSTERS, LAND OF THE LOST, BUGALOOS, LIDSVILLE, and FAR OUT SPACENUTS. While these shows are mostly live-action (the primary exception is

Headline News

RISD seniors show work

The Rhode Island School of Design senior show includes films, videos, andanimation. Shows take place Wednesday, May 19 - Saturday, May 22, 7 pm, andFriday, June 4, 1 pm and 7 pm in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. For moreinformation call 401-454-5233. Wednesday, May 19 - Saturday, May 22, 7 pm,and Friday, June 4, 1 pm and 7 pm. Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

Headline News

Spike and Mike returns to L.A., Montreal, and San Francisco!

The Nuart in Los Angeles will be showing the 1999 Spike and Mike's ClassicFestival of Animation Friday, May 28-Thursday, June 3. The program includesBlue Sky Studios' Oscar-nominated BUNNY, Aardman's HUM DRUM, DigitalDomain's TIGHTROPE, Pierre Coffin's PINGS, Peter Reynolds' THE BLUE SHOE,Annecy-winner SIENTJE, Don Hertzfeldt's BILLY'S BALLOON, Laurent Gorgiard'sMAN WITH THE PENDULOUS ARMS, Behaviour Productions' THE ART OF SURVIVAL,Chris Landreth's BINGO, Folimage's THE ROMANCE OF MY HEART, Eric Fernandes'

Game Headline News

Activision releases A BUG'S LIFE game

Activision, Inc., in collaboration with Disney Interactive, Inc., has released a game based on Walt Disney Pictures' and Pixar Animation Studio's computer-generated animated film, A BUG'S LIFE, for the Nintendo 64 game console. A BUG'S LIFE lets players run, fly and slide through an interactive journey. In the game players take on the role of the film's hero, Flik, an inventive but occasionally over-enthusiastic ant, who enlists a group of flea circus bugs to help him in his quest to save his colony from the hands of the villainous Hopper and his legion of grasshoppers.

Disney Headline News

Disneyland news from around the world

In March, Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd said it was interested in participating in a proposed project to build a Disney theme park in Hong Kong, but it depended on the outcome of talks between the government and Walt Disney Co. . . In Orlando, Florida, Walt Disney World officials said they expected more people than ever to flock to its sprawling Orlando theme park complex, after a 1998 performance that many industry analysts described as mixed. Year in and year out, Disney World proves to be the most popular tourist attraction on the planet.

Headline News

Samurai, Cyborgs & Outrageous Babes at UCLA

The second part of UCLA's tribute to Japanese anime takes place May 8 -June 1, 1999. (The first part of the series, titled MAGICAL BOYS & GIRLS,took place in January 1999 and was devoted to children's animation.) Thetribute includes the following programs:

THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1999 - 7:30 PMPRAISE BE TO SMALL ILLS (NAMU ICHIBYO SOKUSAI) (1973, 35mm, 18 min.)Directed by Tadanari Okamoto. In Japanese with English subtitles.THE DEMON (ONI)(1972, 35 mm, 8 min.) Directed by Kihachiro Kawamoto. In

Film Headline News

Warner greenlights OSMOSIS JONES

Warner Bros. has greenlit OSMOSIS JONES for a Thanksgiving 2000 release.The film is a comedy/adventure about a street smart white blood-cell calledOsmosis Jones who teams up with a rookie cold tablet to fight a virus thatis attacking their host body, a construction worker named Frank Detomello.The film is written by Marc Hyman, with Tom Sito and Piet Kroon directing.The film will be Warner Bros. Feature Animation's third completely animatedrelease after QUEST FOR CAMELOT, and the upcoming THE IRON GIANT. In

Cartoon Headline News

Nick sets SPONGEBOB premiere

SP0NGEBOB SQUAREPANTS, a new animated series which is being produced at theBurbank Nicktoons Studio, will premiere on Nickelodeon on July 17 at 10:00am ET/PT in the USA, becoming Nickelodeon's first original Saturday morningcartoon. A preview of the cartoon appeared on Nickelodeon on May 1, andreceived a 6.3 rating and a 25 share when it was watched by 6.9 millionviewers. The cartoon features the adventures of SpongeBob, a hopelesslyoptimistic and earnest sea sponge whose good intentions often lead to bad

Headline News

Willy Wonka is animated with Passion

Passion Pictures has created a new fully computer generated spot starringWilly Wonka (WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY). Launching Rowntree'snew Wonka Xploder chocolate bar, the :20 spot shows Wonka and his chocolatefactory where teams of robots stir vats of bubbling chocolate, and brightlycolored machines create delicious chocolates. Willy tests his newinvention, the Wonka Xploder, on two boys who are inside a sealed testingroom. The boys are startled when the chocolates explode and the secret

Black Headline News

New Manga video is based on Osamu Tezuka manga

Manga Video will release BLACK JACK in the US on June 29, 1999. Directed byOsamu Dezaki, this 1993 direct to video release from Japan is based on amanga by Osamu Tezuka that was first serialized in Japan from 1973-78.Tezuka is known as the father of animation and comic books in Japan, andspecifically as the creator of such TV series as ASTRO BOY and MARINE BOY,as well as award-winning shorts such as JUMPING. In BLACK JACK, Dr. BlackJack, an unlicensed but extremely successful surgeon, is a lone wolf who

Headline News

Realviz S.A. announces Matchmover

REALVIZ S.A. has announced the availability of its MatchMover softwaresolution for animation and special effects professionals on Microsoft,Windows, NT and GI IRIX platforms. Using MatchMover, computer-generated 3Dimages can be easily integrated with video or film to create SimulatedReality. Using computed 3D coordinates and geometric constraints,MatchMover transforms original live-action footage into an accurate 3Dspace. The transformed 3D live-action space can be precisely matched to 3D

Headline News

Lucas releases new Star Wars CD-Rom

Lucas Learning has released THE GUNGAN FRONTIER, the first simulated worldStar Wars game on CD-ROM. As heroes of the Battle of Naboo, players arecalled before the Gungan High Council to handle a critical mission. Theircity is threatened by overpopulation, and players must establish a newcolony on a nearby moon. The Gungans need to create a new world filled withfantastic creatures and plants from across the galaxy. Players discover howthese alien animals and plants interact and how they depend on each other

Film Headline News

Wendy Tilby wins at Cannes!

Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis' short film, WHEN THE DAY BREAKS (TheNational Film Board of Canada), won the Palme d'Or at the recentlyconcluded 52nd Cannes International Film Festival in Cannes, France. Ittook four years for Forbis and Tilby to finish the softly colored,wordless, but musical, story of a pig whose world shifts after a caraccident kills a stranger (a chicken) on her block. Forbis and Tilby beganthe production of "When the Day Breaks" by shooting High-8 video of the

Headline News

Sedelmaier creates "Lintbrush"

J.J. Sedelmaier Productions has created "Lintbrush," a :30 spot for QuiltedNorthern bathroom tissues. Directed by J.J. Sedelmaier, and designed byBonnie Timmons, the 2D animated spot shows quilters at work while theydiscuss the amount of lint in other tissue brands, as compared to QuiltedNorthern tissues.

Million Headline News

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace passes 200 million

THE PHANTOM MENACE finished first in last week's Memorial Day weekend USboxoffice race, taking in an estimated $64.8 million to bring its total to$204.8 million. Based on this, experts are now predicting that the filmwill eventually pass $400 million in North Amercian receipts. THE MUMMYfinished in third place, taking in $12.7 million, for a total of $117.1million. Newcomer THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR, an effects driven thriller aboutvirtual reality, finished fifth, taking in $4.3 million. THE MATRIX
