Wendy Tilby wins at Annecy!

Two weeks after winning for best short film at the Cannes Film Festival,Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis' short film, WHEN THE DAY BREAKS (TheNational Film Board of Canada), has won the Grand Prix for best animatedshort film at Annecy '99, which concluded on Saturday, June 5. The film isabout a pig whose world shifts after a car accident kills a stranger (achicken) on her block. The complete list of award winners is as follows:The special Jury Prize went to AU BOUT DU MONDE/AT THE END OF THE EARTH byKonstantin Bronzit (France); The Jean-Luc Xiberras Prize For The Best FirstFilm went to CHUDOVISCHE by Alexey Antonov (Russia); awards for DistinctionFor Script, Backgrounds, Quality of Animation, or a Combination Of TheAbove Features went to HUMDRUM by Peter Peake (Great Britain) and JOLLYROGER by Mark Baker (Great Britain); a Special Mention For Soundtrack wentto FEUERHAUS/FIREHOUSE by Bärbel Neubauer (Germany); The Grand Prix ForBest Animated Feature went to KIRIKOU ET LA SORCIERE/KIRIKOU AND THESORCERESS by Michel Ocelot (France, Belgium, Luxembourg); Grand Prix ForBest TV Animation Program went to A VIAGEM/LE VOYAGE/THE VOYAGE byChristian Boustani (Portugal); Special Prizes For Best TV Series went toLES CAILLOUX DE TEMPOIRE/STUMPYTRUNK'S PEBBLES by Frédéric Clémençon andChristophe Barrier (France) and THE BUDDY SYSTEM: IT'S A COMIC STRIP byDaniel Kramer and Doug Vitarelli (USA); Special Prize For Best TV Series(13-26 mins) went to KAMPUNG BOY by Frank Saperstein (Malaysia/USA);Special Prize For TV Special Up To 52 mins. went to THE BEAR by HilaryAudus (Great Britain); TV Prize For A Pilot Series Or TV Special went toCAPELITO de Rodolfo Pastor (Spain); Prize for Educational, Scientific OrIndustrial Film went to LE MAL DES MERS/SEA SICK by Greet Boey (Belgium);Prize for Advertizing Film went to FESTIVAL LEADER/VALLODOLID by MaartenKoopman (The Netherlands); Prize For The Best Animated Sequence went toMULTICULTI/SALLY NYOLO by Aline Ahond (France); Prizes For Best StudentFilm went to GAZOON by Romain Villemaine (France), MASKS by Piotr Karwas(Germany), and BOUF by Vincent Bierrewaerts (Belgium); the Public's Prizewent to AU BOUT DU MONDE/AT THE END OF THE EARTH by Konstantin Bronzit(France); the Unicef Prize went to TIC TAC TOC, MINES ANTIPERSONNEL/TIK TAKTOK, ANTIPERSONNEL LAND MINES by Gilles Macchia and Paul Gueutal (France);the Children's Jury Prize For TV Films went to KOUZELNEM ZVONU/LA CLOCHEENCHANTÉE/THE ENCHANTED BELL by Aurel Klimt (Czech Republic); Children'sJury Prize For Short Fiction Films went to JOLLY ROGER by Mark Baker (GreatBritain); the Fipresci Prize went to WHEN THE DAY BREAKS by Wendy Tilby andAmanda Forbis (Canada); Special Mention for the Fipresci Prize went toVARES JA HIIRED/THE CROW AND THE MICE by Mikk Rand and Priit Tender(Estonia); and the Mike Gribble Prize went to AU BOUT DU MONDE/AT THE ENDOF THE EARTH de Konstantin Bronzit (France).

Bärbel Neubauer wrote about "The Influence of Sound and Music on Images" in the May 1999 issue of Animation World Magazine, and abouther film, ROOTS, in the September 1998 issue of Animation World Magzine in"Roots: An Experiment in Images and Music".

Phillipe Moins reviewed KIRIKOU AND THE SORCERESS in the May 1999 issue ofAnimation World Magazine. The article is available in French and English.

THE BEAR was featured, with a QuickTime clip, in "The Oscar Short List" inthe April 1999 issue of Animation World Magazine.

JOLLY ROGER was also featured in The AWN 1999 Oscar Showcase, whichincludes a QuickTime clip.

The Annecy festival will be reviewed in-depth in the July 1999 issue ofAnimation World Magazine.
