Visual Resource Creates 1950s-Style Web Tour For Adobe

Visual Resource announced the launch of "A World of Barriers," a Web tour created for Adobe Systems Inc., highlighting the features of their new Acrobat 8 Professional product, specific to marketing professionals.

The "World of Barriers" Web tour is modeled after a '50s-era educational video and features the functionality of Acrobat 8 Professional. The six-minute Flash animation is hosted by a quirky, academic lab technician, who navigates the user through common marketing pitfalls and demonstrates the ways in which Acrobat 8 Professional can improve the process. The entire piece is wrapped in a grainy, reel-to-reel filmstrip package. All character development, storyline and music were developed by the Visual Resource creative team.

"We were thrilled to have the opportunity to create such a high profile piece for Adobe," said Kellyann Lamb, president of Visual Resource. "The Acrobat 8 Web Tour gave our creative team another chance to step away from the ordinary and generate a unique product aligned to meet our clients' sales and marketing objectives. We look forward to leveraging our interactive prowess to partner with Adobe on future projects."

Adobe approached Visual Resource with the idea to create a visually appealing, viral piece that would stand out and catch the eye of marketing professionals all across the globe.

"The A8 Web Tour is unlike any interactive piece we've ever done before at Adobe," said Karen LeFever, manager, interactive design and demos, Adobe WW Marketing Communications. "We needed an entertaining and informative piece that would capture the attention of the media-saturated marketing professional, and we think we've accomplished that through the creativity and style exhibited in this one-of-a-kind animation."

"A World of Barriers" will be housed on the Adobe corporate website and can be viewed by visiting

Visual Resource is a creative marketing agency based in San Francisco and founded in 1999. The agency provides strategic planning, creative development and production services to a wide range of clients, including Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Gap and Stanford's Graduate School of Business. To learn more, go to

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
