Vicon and Artanim Announce Strategic VR Partnership

Artanim delivers new technology allowing users to experience, physically interact, and collaborate in a virtual 3D environment using Vicon motion capture technology.

GENEVA -- Vicon’s expertise as a world leader in the field of motion capture combined with the ground breaking technology issued from fundamental research undertaken in the last four years by Artanim, has led to the launch of the only solution available today offering a “matrix-like” degree of immersion over a large area up to hundreds of square meters.

Real Virtuality is a multi-user immersive platform combining a 3D environment – which can be seen and heard through a VR headset – with a real life stage set. Users are tracked by the Vicon motion capture system allowing them to see their own bodies and move physically in the virtual environment.

“Today 3D visualization is widespread and apparent in nearly every aspect of our lives. We have reached a point where most users aren’t aware whether the visuals they ‘interact’ with are photographs or computer generated,” said Artanim co-founder Dr. Caecilia Charbonnier. “However, the current adoption of monitors which represent only the “illusion” of the depth, does not completely satisfy the requirement of an “immersive” experience. The next big tech leap will come with how we interact with these models and visualize information in space. As the technologies devoted to visualization such as VR will become mainstream in the near future, the final goal will be to deceive the five human senses in a way that the user can believe to live in a real environment.”

“Real Virtuality brings a once in a lifetime experience,” said Vicon CEO Imogen Moorhouse. “Unlike other static position VR systems, Real Virtuality allows users to become immersed in a VR scene by walking, running, interacting with physical objects and meeting other people. Because user’s movement exactly match their avatars movements in the 3D environment and are streamed to the users with very low latency, there is no discomfort or interface required. The bodies of the users become the interface.” 

Real Virtuality has been selected to feature at the Sundance Film Festival 2016. The platform will be showcased in the New Frontier program and will be available for demonstration from January 22 until January 30 on the 3rd floor at New Frontier Claim Jumper, 573 Main St, Park City.

Source: Vicon

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.