U.K. Students: Make a Film With Channel 4

Channel 4/NMPFT Animator In Residence SchemeAugust 31, 2004London, U.K.Deadline: August 31, 2004

The Channel 4 / NMPFT Animator in Residence scheme, which each year offers four animators the chance to develop their idea for a short film in situ at the National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, is open only to UK-based animators who have graduated within the last five years. Each three-month residency attracts a £3,000 fee and access to a £1,600 materials budget, and is based in a fully-equipped glass-fronted studio in the NMPFTs new animation gallery. At the end of each residency, animators are asked to submit their work to Channel 4 for consideration for commissioning. If commissioned, the work attracts a production budget and goes forward into production with a professional studio. All AIR films are then transmitted on Channel 4 in November. To apply, animators should go to www.a-i-r.info to download an application form or call scheme coordinator Adam Pugh on ++01274 203308.

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
