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Sentai Filmworks Licenses 'Gintama'

Sentai Filmworks once again returns to the world of the strangest samurai odd jobs ever with the company’s announcement of its licensing of "Gintama - The Movie."

Press Release from Sentai Filmworks:

HOUSTON, TX -- Sentai Filmworks once again returns to the world of the strangest samurai odd jobs ever with the company’s announcement of their licensing of  GINTAMA – THE MOVIE, the latest installment in the hugely successful GINTAMA animated series based on the GIN TAMA manga series by Hideaki Sorachi. Following the wise, ancient and possibly Japanese adage of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” the 95-minute feature film reunites most of the key staff of the TV series. Director, Shinji Takamatsu (SCHOOL RUMBLE) and writer Akatsuki Yamatoya (To LOVE RU, SOUL EATER) handle the story components of the film, while animation director Shinji Takeuchi (SAMURAI CHAMPLOO) once again takes up the task of adapting Sorachi’s original character designs for film.

Odd Jobs Gin has taken on a lot of odd work in the past, and when you’re a Jack of All Trades agency based in a feudal Japan that’s been conquered and colonized by aliens, the term “Odd Jobs” means REALLY ODD jobs.  But when some more than slightly suspicious secrets from the shadows of OJG founder Gintoki Sakata’s somewhat shady former samurai past and a new pair of odd jobs collide, the action is bound to get so wild and demented that only a feature film will do it justice!  So if you’ve had the good fortune to see Gintama, Japan’s most popular science fiction samurai series before, get ready for more of the same on an epic scale!  And if you haven’t seen Gintama before, well, this is your quick and easy introduction to why Gintama (the series) is the hottest thing to hit the Land of the Rising Sun since a certain large, green reptile whose name we can’t use due to certain litigious lawyers!  So sit down, strap yourself in and make sure you’re not wearing anything too tight or constricting as the junior half of OJG takes on the task of tracking down a tenacious terrorist while their silver-haired slickster of a partner seeks out a certain sword in the side-splittingly silly GINTAMA- THE MOVIE!

GINTAMA- THE MOVIEwill soon be available digitally, with a home video release on DVD and Blu-Ray scheduled for later this year.

About Sentai Filmworks

Sentai Filmworks is one of the fastest-growing anime companies in North America, producing hit series like High School of the Dead, Towanoquon, Samurai Girls, Guin Saga, Needless and Angel Beats as well as high profile theatrical films such as Grave of the Fireflies and Appleseed. Sentai Filmworks’ programs can be found on home video distributed by Ingram Entertainment, Baker & Taylor, Section23Films, The Right Stuf and other good and fine distributors.  Digital product offerings may be found at iTunes, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, Zune Marketplace, Anime Network, Playstation Network, Android Market and YouTube.
