RECA Announces Board Members, Participating Schools

Following the French Schools of Animation Cinema Network’s (RECA) official launch in January, the group has elected board members and released a list of participating schools.

Announcement from RECA:

Following the French Schools of Animation Cinema Network’s (RECA) official launch in January, the group has elected board members and released a list of participating schools. Established by the Animation training forum of Angoulême to reflect on the stakes and methods of training in animation, RECA was first announced in November 2011, with the support of the Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée(CNC).

RECA Objectives:

- To put in place the tools for a  clear training program available to students; - To encourage an active, constructive dialogue with the professionals in the field; - To be a hub for the institutions and animation-related establishments for the purposes of both training and employment.

RECA vows to strictly respect the individual pedagogical an organizational specificity of each institution. It affirms their will to encourage and maintain the combination of the technical and artistic capabilities of the students with the institution's explicit set of objectives and means.

Participating schools include ArtFx, Arts et Technologies de l'Image Université Paris 8 (ATI), Ecole Emile Cohl, Ecole Georges Méliès, Ecole des métiers du cinéma d'animation (EMCA), Ecole supérieure des arts décoratifs (ENSAD), Ecole supérieure des arts appliqués et du textile (ESAAT), Gobelins l'école de l'image, Institut de l'Image dans l'Océan Indien (ILOI), Institut Sainte-Geneviève, Isart Digital, La Poudrière, Institut des arts appliqués (LISAA), Supinfocum Arles, and Supinfocum Valenciennes.

Elected board members include Dimitri Granovsky, (Ecole George Méliès ; Marie-France Zumofen, (Gobelins l'école de l'image) ; Cédric Plessiet, (ATI). René Broca was appointed General Manager.

Jennifer Wolfe's picture

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.