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Plympton Mutates AtomFilms

AtomFilms, a leader in next-generation entertainment, and Bill Plympton, world-renowned traditional animator, announced a new spotlight channel at This agreement grants Atom "first look" rights to new Plympton content while showcasing his earlier works and providing a profile of the animators career. At the World Animation Celebration, Plympton unveiled his first Flash produced animation. A new Flash flick will premiere on Atom Films each week. The first two Flash animations are entitled HAPPINESS IS...FINDING A RAINBOW and HAPPINESS IS...LICKING THE FROSTING. Plymptonia will also offer collectible content for download, including HOW TO KISS and 25 WAYS TO QUIT SMOKING. The new site will also showcase DIARIES OF MUTANT ALIENS, a short documentary on the making of Plympton's upcoming animated feature.

Read Quenching The New Millennium's Thirst For Animated Fare by Lee Dannacher to find out more about Atom Films and the other Internet leaders.

You can also find Plympton merchandise in the AWN Store.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks