The live-action reimagining of the beloved Nickelodeon animated series, which follows Aang, the young Avatar, as he learns to master the four elements, stars Gordon Cormier, Kiawentiio, and Ian Ousely, and hits the streamer February 22.
Are you ready to master your element? The first official trailer has dropped for Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender series and - dare we say - it’s looking good! This is an exciting time for fans, who have been awaiting the creator-approved (kind of) adaptation since it was ordered by the streamer in 2018.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is a live-action reimagining of the beloved Nickelodeon animated series following Aang, the young Avatar, as he learns to master the four elements (Water, Earth, Fire, Air) to restore balance to a world threatened by the terrifying Fire Nation.
Gordon Cormier (Lost in Space, The Stand) is Aang, the Last Airbender himself; Kiawentiio (Beans, Anne with an E) is Katara, Aang’s water-bending protégé and friend; Ian Ousley (13 Reasons Why, Physical) is Sokka, Katara’s sarcastic brother; and Dallas Liu (Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, PEN15) is Zuko, the fiery prince in exile. Also gracing the small screen is Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Uncle Iroh, Arden Cho as June, Thalia Tran as Mai, Momona Tamada as Ty Lee, Elizabeth Yu as Azula, and many more. Did we mention the original voice actor for the Cabbage Merchant, James Sie, will reprise his iconic role?
Dan Lin (The Lego Movie, Aladdin), Lindsey Liberatore (Walker), and Michael Goi (Swamp Thing, American Horror Story) executive produce, with Goi, Roseanne Liang and Jabbar Raisani also warming the director’s seat.
The elemental VFX are created by BarnstormVFX, BigHugFX, Clear Angle Studios, Dimension Studios, DNEG, Image Engine, Pixomondo, Rodeo FX, Scanline VFX, Spin VFX, The Third Floor, and Track VFX.
Avatar: The Last Airbender premieres globally February 22 on Netflix.
Check out the fiery official trailer and some new images below:
Source: Netflix