Canadian-Irish co-production deal for original 2D-animated short-form preschool series created by Emmy-nominated 'Hilda' director Andy Coyle signed at Annecy.
Canada’s Mercury Filmworks, the independent animation studio behind Hilda and The Lion Guard, and Irish studio Turnip + Duck (Maddie + Triggs) finalized a deal at last week’s Annecy Festival to co-produce preschool series Bunny McBee.
Currently in development, the original 2D-animated short-form series is created by Andy Coyle, the Emmy-nominated director of Hilda, and is aimed at inspiring children to love and respect nature and their place in it.
Bunny McBee will span 52 five-minute episodes, and is billed as a charming preschool series that fosters a love for nature and celebrates the joy of outdoor play. The series draws inspiration from Coyle’s childhood adventures in the great outdoors of Nova Scotia.
Here’s the official description for the series:
“Bunny is an energetic and curious little bumblebee whose need to explore is insatiable. Each morning, he buzzes out of his home, eager to fly into a new adventure with his best buddy, a small, intuitive and observant worm named Opal. To these two best friends, the forest is a wonderous, magical playground where every moment is an opportunity to play, explore, and connect with others. A place where the smallest things become magical, transforming the forest into a vibrant world full of life, heart, humor, majesty, and drama. From their tiny perspective, the world is like a giant jigsaw puzzle. And they’re going to figure it out, one piece at a time, as they explore the wonders of nature along with a host of memorable woodland residents.”
“We are thrilled to embark on this first-time creative collaboration with Turnip + Duck to co-produce Andy’s enchanting tale,” stated Chantal Ling, VP of original series & co-productions at Mercury Filmworks. “Together, the big-hearted Bunny McBee and his loyal friend Opal will inspire children everywhere to value friendship and teamwork and to get out and explore the wonderous world around them — whether that’s a vast forest or their neighborhood park.”
Colm Tobin, managing director of Turnip + Duck, added: “Andy has created a truly imaginative preschool series that pays homage to his childhood and that will inspire children everywhere to use their imagination and creativity to engage with and celebrate the environment,” said “We look forward to joining forces with the talented team at Mercury to help bring these magical stories to life!”
Source: Mercury Filmworks