Kellogg's Mud & Bugs and Lego Explore Are Charter Sponsors On NOGGIN

NOGGIN, the commercial-free, educational network for preschoolers, is taking on charter sponsorships from two of Starcom's key clients, Kellogg's Mud & Bugs and Lego Explore.

"We are thrilled that Starcom sees sponsorship on NOGGIN as a smart complement to advertising opportunities on Nick Jr.," said Jim Perry, svp, advertising sales, Nickelodeon.

"NOGGIN is a brand that validates digital television as a powerful force in today's media community," said John Wagner, media director, Starcom USA. "The messaging opportunities presented by NOGGIN drove the Starcom team to engineer some of NOGGINS first brand sponsorships for our clients, to the benefit of all parties involved. We believe that these partnerships will be the first of many between NOGGIN and Starcom."

Lego Explore will sponsor NOGGIN's Storytime, a short-form series that mixes Flash animation with footage of real kids telling stories. Each segment presents a classic fairy tale and asks preschoolers to share what they think happened after the ending. The series is designed to help preschoolers develop language and thinking skills through the use of story and encourages creative storytelling. NOGGIN's Storytime sponsorship will include "brought to you by Lego Explore" billboards that will run after each of the short stories.

Kellogg's Mud and Bugs will be the sponsor of the "Connie The Cow's Milk Break," a week-long programming event featuring "double helpings" of back-to-back episodes, twice a day of the hit preschool series, CONNIE THE COW. The "Connie The Cow Milk Break" will debut on Jan. 26, 2004 and run twice a day at 10:00 am and 10:30 am, as well as at 1:00 pm and 1:30 pm through Feb. 1. Kellogg's will receive three weeks of on-air promotional tune-in spots leading up to the marathon. NOGGIN will also provide Kellogg's with "sponsored by" billboards and bumpers at the beginning and close of each CONNIE THE COW episode.

NOGGIN ( is the commercial-free, educational network for preschoolers owned by Nickelodeon. NOGGIN currently reaches 37 million households via cable, digital cable and satellite.