Job Opportunities For Animators, Agents, Instructors And More

The Art Institutes International at San Francisco is looking for an ANIMATION INSTRUCTOR, a BACKGROUND DESIGN AND LAYOUT INSTRUCTOR and a SURVEY OF MEDIA DESIGN & GAME LAYOUT INSTRUCTOR . . . Vancouver, BC's Arts Umbrella is looking for a DIGITAL ANIMATION INSTRUCTOR . . . Islington, London's Blue Sunflower Animation is looking for an AGENT . . . Swindon, Wiltshire's Celmation is looking for a 2D ANIMATOR . . . HoChiMinh City, Vietnam's Demen Animation Studio is looking for an ANIMATION AGENT . . . Redwood City, California's Electronic Arts is looking for a MAYA CHARACTER ANIMATOR . . . Madrid, Spain's Fanciful Arts Animation is looking for a 2D FEATURE ANIMATOR . . . Atlanta, Georgia's Fathom Studios is looking for a DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY and a LEAD ANIMATOR to work on a CGI animated feature film . . . Boston, Massachusettes' Gibbs College is looking for a TRADITIONAL ANIMATION INSTRUCTOR . . . Bangkok,Thailand's Toonshoppe is looking for a FLASH /LIGHTWAVE ANIMATOR . . . Trenton, New Jersey's Two Animators is looking for an ANIMATION AGENT . . . North Hollywood, California's VirtualMagic Animation is looking for a SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR.

For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN'sCareer Connections, the online Animation Job Fair.
